Thank you so much for having me on this wonderful website. It is certainly a Godsend. Niggers are the scourge of the Earth! This is a compendium of information about niggers, how to deal with their bullshit, as well as my encounters of the ape kind.

Easy ways of how to deter problematic niggers are letting them know you will call the police(most of them have a record that is a mile long), letting them know that they are a nigger, then telling them to go away, and telling them that they are completely useless. They all know that these facts are true; and they surprisingly look at the ground with shame(sometimes)in their eyes. These facts fill them with shame(sometimes), yet they are so stupid that they can't change for the better. Carrying protection, and knowing how to fight, is a must around them as well. The only thing they accel at in life is nigger antics.

When I went to SELU, in order to become a microbiologist, I witnessed a lot of nigger antics from these shit skins. In the dorm building, I was staying in, they had a piss war with each other. They were pissing underneath each other's doors, and in the hallways. They would shit in the showers and set the billboards on fire.

I saw two niggers breaking into a soda machine with a giant crowbar. They did this on camera without a care in the world. Even with this evidence, the college administration did not care. One giant silverback shook a snack machine, dropping all of the snacks off of the racks. Another blue gums, I named him Lenny Kravitz Fish Face, made about a thousand paper copies that said, "Fuck you bitch!!!" dropping them on the lobby floor. Another pickaninny was walking around with a bloody asshole. He was selling himself sexually.

Niggers that go to college usually do not go for long. They get scholarships, for simply being niggers, go for one semester, failing along the way; and they quit at the last minute, collecting the money from said nigger scholarships. Going to prison is the proudest moment in a nigger's useless life. Three hots and a cot they call it. Niggers see going to prison as a form of clout. They sell themselves sexually in prison, the sagging pants mean that their assholes are for sell, and they continue their fucked up behaviors once they are let back out in society most of the time, thanks to the American "justice" system.

Visiting Nigger Orleans, Louisiana was a huge eye opener for me. Everything there is about 20 years behind the rest of the country. The nigger stores there have birds and rats inside of them, pissing and shitting everywhere, and eating the food products. They don't restock most of the time. They never pick up the store phones, they always have attitudes, they gossip about everyone, and they are so fucking lazy! Every parade there, without fail, has a few shootings in them.

Most parking spots in Nigger Orleans have no hourly signs or parking meters. Nigger parking meter maids do this on purpose, in order to rack up money from issuing illegal tickets. Niggers remind me of jesters. They think that everything is funny, and that they are intelligent with their lies aka nigger fairy tales.

Niggers think that if they memorize a few facets of knowledge that all of a sudden they're geniuses! Between the niggers being gay, and getting AIDS, the nigger sows becoming lesbians because of this, the niggers killing each other and going to prison, nigger reproduction is thankfully slowing down. They really need to speed up their eventual extinction though. They also need to be deported back to Apefreaka.