Fellow chimpers,

I am beyond tired of niggers, dune coons, the alphabet people being worshipped, the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants, and the liberal traitor fucks who enable all this madness. I'm not a white nationalist or anything, but I can't help seeing the West going down the crapper and nothing being done to stop it.

Wanna be a butchered freak who takes hormones to feel what they are not? Fine! Just don't fucking force your delusion on everyone else.

Wanna worship a murderous warlord who screwed little girls, and want to live in the West?
- Fuck off back home, jihadi.

Wanna come to a civilized place? Do it legally or stay the hell home!

Niggers are the dumbest, most primitive, entitled, humanoid ('cuz they are not really human) species to have ever walked the Earth. They belong in tha Muddaland, not in civilized places.

As for liberal bastards, they should put their money where their mouths are. If given the chance, they'll send their children to private schools and live in nearly minority-free neighborhoods, yet they circle jerk each other off because they're sooooo open-minded and tolerant. 'Just because you watch your slut of a "life partner" get fucked by Jumanji Cottonpicker and Le'Treen Brown - (hoping to get ravaged yourself) - because your minute pecker only has a semblance of functionality when you see radiator hoses, that just makes you a low-testosterone retard.