Occasionally travelling through northern Switzerland, I'm noticing the gravitational pull of which the E.U. is applying onto that landlocked nation only surrounded by E.U. countries (Lichtenstein, for practical purposes, really doesen't count).
Once known as a no-nonsense secure country, later Swiss generations have allowed the enrichment of which her neighboring countries have begun. One of the paybacks was the beginning of ATM plundering through explosives application. As with all realms of enrichment, the answer is to only deal with the symptoms. Is this possibly a chain of events designed to replace cash with even more fictitious digital currency, through opening borders?:


...At the end of April, Bank Leerau dismantled the only ATM in the Aargau village of Staffelbach with its 1,380 residents. The bank justifies this in the official gazette with security concerns: “The number of cases of ATMs being blown up has increased significantly in recent years...

An official Europol essay hints to these criminal's origins, through detailed forensic description omission:


...The investigation was initiated in February 2020 after authorities in Osnabrück, Germany, identified suspicious orders of ATMs machines from a German company. Special surveillance measures were put in place, which led the investigators to Utrecht, the Netherlands, where a 29 year-old individual and his 24 year-old accomplice were running an illegal training centre for ATM attacks. There, the pair was ordering different models of ATMs and recording tutorials on how to most effectively blow them up...
Especially with recent artificial intelligence application, there are deterents possible, if these banks truly wish to dedicate themselves in curbing ATM assault. Here, detailed just over two years ago already:


... The next question is: Is there an option to install a gas or explosive monitoring device to alert for a gas attack?

Moody: I can take that one. That's one of the indicators I had said that there's a fairly new device that we're currently in testing with, that it hears and it learns behavior—so any kind of drill or any kind of thing that's out of the ordinary, it can actually hear that and then shut the machine off and notify. So those oxyacetylene explosions—it's still going to happen, but at least it's going to notify before it happens, so you're able to get more footage...