So Nigger Nygil Cullins walks into a bar, sidearm on his hip.

The 9-1-1 caller described Nigger Nygil was a former employee. Yet another reason to never hire niggers.

Anyhow, trying to get Nigger Nygil to leave proved problematic. Enter the police.

Police taze the wild nigger and a scuffle follows. Out of seemingly nowhere, a security guard enters the situation, and tackles Nigger Nygil. It's at this point the nigger pulls his firearm and shoots the security guard. Now that gunplay is involved, one of Atlanta's finest shoots Nigger Nygil. A lot. The Bat Fairy was joyous in the aftermath.

Of course, the nigger's family was upset and claims their nigger was in pain from being tazed, and was trying to leave. The niggers are too stupid to understand that once the tasers come out, you are no longer free to leave. They are obviously suing the police, but they are also suing the security guard, for tackling their beloved nigger. Suing the restaurant too. All part of a federal "civil rights" lawsuit.

These vile niggers don't seem to care that had their ghetto lottery ticket not shot the security guard, police would not have goodified their nigger!

Stupid niggers.

I did some research, looking for the disposition of their bullshit lawsuit, but couldn't find anything. However there are plenty of photos of the nigger from Middle School. Oh, and of course the family is "disturbed" seeing their nigger goodified. Yes, I'm sure seeing the violent savage being held accountable for the first time, ever, was shocking.

Anyhow, this nigger won't bother anyone else.