Columbus, Ohio...

Lots of niggers ridin' the lightnin' lately. Good times!

Sow Cierra R Martin went into a Dollar General and started busting the place up. The nigger broke a bottle then got behind the counter and tried to rob the cash register and safe. Unsuccessful at that, Nigger Cierra decided to steal a few worthless trinkets instead.

Multiple units of Columbus PD arrived and attempted to take the massive sow into custody. Nigger Cierra resisted the female officer, so a male officer decided he had enough and gave the nigger a little electrical persuasion.

Amazingly, after extreme violence inside the store, all of a sudden Nigger Cierra became weak in the knees and was dying of thirst! Poor thing.

My favorite part is when the paramedic was removing the barbs, and the nigger was howling in pain, he said: "Well, it's better than a bullet!"

Nigger Cierra is awaiting trial on robbery charges.