
Suicide-by-cop is nothing new, though you don't see much of it with niggers.

Here Nigger Michael Bassey (31) decided the best way to get the police to come to him, rather than put in some effort to go to them, was to call 911 and tell the operator that he had killed someone.

The 911 call is whacky, with the nigger on full box nood mode.

When police arrive, they see Nigger Michael looking out the window of his apartment. After a few minutes, Nigger Michael came outside, knife in hand, and ran towards the cops. One officer put a single shot into the nigger, who went down.

A few seconds later Nigger Michael respawned, jumped up, and ran away, police running after him!

Everyone lands out back at the creek. This is when Nigger Michael stops running, lunges at police again, and the officer who shot the nigger the first time, tries again. Even better, they taze the nigger just to be sure!

The Bat Fairy landed at some point during the creekside festivities.

Police searched the apartment and checked local hospitals. No victims found. The schizophrenic nigger made it all up, so police would do what he was too chickenshit to do for himself. A burden until the very end.

Goodbye nigger!