I’m absolutely sick of black people being affirmative actioned into most commercials! It’s not like they get the jobs because they’re the most talented, it’s simply diversity quotas! I can’t watch a YouTube documentary without multiple commercials with blacks in them. From dish washing soap, financial planning, banking, travel sites, all with blacks in them!! They are all operated as hard working, family oriented, responsible experts at any and all given fields! But they are far from it!! It’s the complete opposite!!

I have worked in sales most of my adult working life, and I’ve dealt with them almost everyday! Trust me, they are nothing like you see on the commercials!! They are the complete opposite in the most negative ways!!

As a teenager, during college, I worked delivering pizza, and blacks would tip maybe 5% of the time, or even less! Even when they did, it was $1-3, at most. But almost every single one of them tried to make excuses and blame our company for something, in hopes of getting pizzas for free or discounted price. They always complained. In addition, their homes always smelled horrible, it’s like they never cleaned anything. I saw multiple children, naked, running around, and the mom drinking 40s, listening to rap and smoking marijuana, at 12-1 pm.

I’ve also worked in car sales and direct sales, for telecom companies, and trust me, 90%+ of them have absolutely the worst credit imaginable! It’s as if they don’t understand how credit works, or why you need it. If they’re fortunate to get a small loan or credit card, they just get the money and make 1-2 payments and then just forget about it. Then they are shocked when their cars are repossessed. One of the only ways to sell them anything is with a buy here pay program.

I don’t know, but I am so sick of the media and elite pushing their crap on us!! If you have worked doing sales, specially direct sales or delivery, and you’ve dealt with them, you know this is 100% true! All those damn commercials are just fairy tales!!

Sorry for the rant, but I’m so sick of seeing them on every other commercial! I’ve deal with them in the real world almost everyday and I know they are nothing like the media wants to portray them!

I hope you all have a great weekend!!