Maybe we should make a Mandarin language version of Chimp Out. I'd like to see some Asian nigger jokes!
Chinese social media filled with anti-black racist content, says watchdog

Analysis by Human Rights Watch finds the country’s major platforms ‘do not routinely address’ pervasive online racism

Chinese social media is littered with racist videos, particularly content that mocks black people or portrays them through offensive racial stereotypes, research by Human Rights Watch (HRW) has found.

The human rights watchdog analysed hundreds of videos posted on Chinese social media since 2021 and found that major platforms, including Bilibili, Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo and Xiaohongshu, “do not routinely address racist content”.
“do not routinely address racist content” i.e. they don't have a stick up their ass like Western shitlibs do. It must be nice to live in a society where you can be honest about the fact that niggers suck. Seriously.

One type of video that is popular on Chinese social media portrays people in African countries as primitive or impoverished, with Chinese people – often the content creators – being shown as wealthy saviours.
Sounds like that movie Empire Of Dust. Apefrican niggers are actually primitive and impoverished. Sounds fair.

Other videos denigrate interracial relationships, particularly between black men and Chinese women, in ways that are both racist and misogynist. HRW found that Chinese women who post photographs with their black male partners on Chinese social media sometimes receive online harassment, including death threats, rape threats and doxing, where private residential addresses and images are shared online.
The Chinese are not shy about their dislike of bestial miscegenation.

HRW said: “The amount and extremity of racist content on the Chinese internet suggest that the platforms either are not meeting their own standards banning racist content, or that their policies are inadequate when addressing racist content, both contrary to their human rights responsibilities.”