Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
History repeats itself every time because people never learn.
What most people don't get is that both Hitler and Marx were both Socialists. The govt the U.S. and a lot of the West is living under is already playing by the Marx Playbook.
Marx in a nutshell:
Marx said that there were two kinds of people on this Earth; the high and mighty but small elite known as The Bourgeoisie and the large but poor majority Proletariat that they rule over. Marx said that the Bourgeoisie would constantly be finding better and newer ways to confiscate wealth from the Proletariat through monopolies, corporate tomfoolery, etc etc and this in Marxist terminology is called Primitive Accumulation. Marx said that the best way to accelerate this is by enlarging the pool of available workers, known to Marx as the Industrial Reserve Army thus making them redundant, cheap, servile and easy to control. This is why you see Microsoft pushing for more H1B Visa workers and practically every big corporation in America (and elsewhere) pushing for more and more immigration even as unemployment skyrockets to astronomic levels. But, as the Industrial Reserve Army become bigger, Primitive Accumulation gets more and more successful thus plowing more and more of the Proletarian wealth into Bourgeoisie pockets, it leads to a bigger and bigger ever growing chasm between the rich and the poor. This in Marxist terminology is known as the Polarization Of The Classes. This is why that talentless mudshark Kartrashian sisters all own fleets of Lambos and Ferraris while some veterans are homeless and living on the street. It's a rigged game.

Well, if all goes successful under the Marx playbook, the Proletarian masses will have all their wealth Primitively Accumulated . They will be a servile, broke, easy-to-control mob Industrial Reserve Army living in shanty towns, favelas, slums and ghettos and Polarized By Class .

Now what? All the wealth is now in the Federal Reserve, on a corporate balance sheet, in the hands of private equity, hedge funds, investment banks etc etc and practically none of it is in the hands of the Proletariat who need it to pay rent, buy food and just plain live a life. This what is known to Marxists as Creative Destruction. And, in the modern Marxist lexicon as The Schumpeter's Gale.

After The Schumpeter's Gale/Creative Destruction has completely destroyed society by annihilating all of the wealth, now they are free to do with you whatever they want. Take your guns, destroy your religious beliefs and completely destroy all cultural/societal/historical/religious norms, in other words, to create a Year Zero. After the Year Zero, they will then have to totally redesign society from the ground up- or as Mao called it The Great Leap Forward.

Hey, wait a minute. The Great Reset? Or is it Creative Destruction?
Build Back Better? Or is it The Great Leap Forward? Their stories are old and poorly told.

We pretty much already live under a Marxist State, just not a fully actualized one.. Yet.