Niggers love communism. They love anything that promises gibs muh dat.
Congressional Black Caucus & Biden HUD Nominee Sent Constituents On Chinese Govt-Paid Trips To Laud “Amazing Communist Country.”

The caucus claims to tackle racism and “marginalization,” but as The National Pulse can exclusively report today, it collaborates with one of the most racist, repressive, and genocidal regimes in history: the Chinese Communist Party.

Leading many of the efforts – including sending constituents on trips and accepting trips herself – is Joe Biden’s own pick for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary: Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH).

For over a decade, the caucus has maintained a relationship with the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), a Chinese government-backed grouped recently exposed by The National Pulse for sponsoring trips to China for journalists and politicians in exchange for “favorable coverage” and part of the country’s United Front efforts “to co-opt and neutralize sources of opposition to the Chinese Communist Party” and encourage “positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”

The Congressional Beijing Caucus.
The program – the African American Students Exchange Program – was inaugurated in 2012 and operates “in cooperation with the Congressional Black Caucus.” Since its inception, it has hosted over 750 students and is “funded by the Chinese Ministry of Education.”
n addition to students, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) leaders have attended separate delegations, meeting with Chinese Ministry of Education officials and planning “organizing an HBCU presidential class, joint research, and student and faculty exchanges.”

Many of the students selected for the delegations come from CBC members’ districts.

“An Amazing Communist Country.”
According to a summary of the program, CUSEF “sponsors a two-week study delegation targeting college students from Congressional Black Caucus member districts to visit China in the summer.”

“Since 2013, students from several CBC member districts have participated in the student study visits to China under this program, including: Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-13); Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Rep. Hank Johnson (GA-04); Rep. Marcia Fudge (OH-11); Rep. G. K. Butterfield (NC-01); Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-05); and Rep. Charles Rangel (NY-13),” the program description adds.

Students appear honor-bound to write glowing reviews of their trip and their sponsors, even denigrating America along the way.