Post-Election Unrest in Washington D.C. Leads to Pro-Trump Political Activist Bevelyn Beatty Being Stabbed

There was going to be some election night violence, however, and one of the most prominent examples took place in Washington, where an evangelizing Christian supporter of President Donald Trump was attacked along with two others, who were originally reported to be three members of the Proud Boys, a fringe-right political group known for its street-fighting tactics.

According to the U.K. Sun, increasingly well-known activist Bevelyn Beatty was among a group of people walking together at about 2:25 a.m. in the nation’s capital. As a YouTube video of the incident begins, a scuffle is breaking out.

After the initial fight is broken up, members can be heard expressing concern, and it quickly becomes apparent why: Beatty has apparently been stabbed in the back during the altercation, which apparently happened in a flash.