Amjad Ditta, 35, is among 16 men charged with sex offenses against children including rape and child trafficking.

West Yorkshire Police has appointed an officer with a brief to boost numbers of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) people applying to join the force.

The latest Home Office figures show 5.1% of officers in the force come from a BME origin, compared with the national average of 5.5%.

Census figures for 2011 show the county’s BME population as 18.2%.

Home Secretary Theresa May has said the proportion of black and Asian officers in the UK was “simply not good enough”.
West Yorkshire PC Amjad Ditta, also known as Amjad Hussain, 35, has been charged with sexual touching.

He and 15 other men are charged with offences against three girls in the Halifax area, dating from 2006 to 2009.

The allegations include several counts of rape, sexual assault, supplying drugs and trafficking.

Mr Ditta, who was attached to West Yorkshire Police’s Protective Services Operations, was a serving officer at the time of the offence he has been accused of.