Pretty clever how they decided to name their laws " Jim Crow" after this banging tune
Personally I'm looking for a way to say nigger without actually saying nigger. I thought it should still be demeaning and offensive if you are in the know. I came up with calling them " Toby's". How is that as offensive as nigger? Glad you asked, the entomology is sound.
You see nigger is not actually an offensive word when you break down it's etymology. The Spanish words for black is negro (masculine) and negra (feminine). Of course the south being so close to Mexico, they interacted frequently. Now it's not a great leap for a Spanish speaking person to refer to black people as black people. "persona negro" if you will. So the word slipped into our mish mash language firstly as negro, niggrah and finally as nigger. Not so racist a word now is it. It literally just means black in basterdised Spanish.
Now how does Toby fit in here? Easy. Have you ever seen "roots"? If you have you know where this is going but for those of you who haven't, there was this uppity buck named kunta kinte. He refused to go by his new name, which was Toby. The master had to tie old kunta up and whipped until his will broke and when asked " what is your name? " he relented and said " my name.... is..... Toby".
So the next time a nigger pisses you off, you look that jungle bunny in the eye and you call that coon a "Toby"
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