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  1. #1
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    Orca Winfrey screams "Medical Racism!"- The Color Of Care (LOL)

    Oprah says doctor who misdiagnosed her said she didn't want the legendary talk show host to 'die on me'

    Oprah Winfrey spoke out about how medical racism and access to healthcare impacted her own life — including the time a doctor misdiagnosed a thyroid issue that caused heart palpitations.
    The interview was partly to promote a documentary Winfrey is producing called "The Color of Care," which tackles racial health inequalities. In the US, racial disparities lead to a lower quality of healthcare and death due to preventable diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people of color and lower-income people were more likely to contract and die from COVID-19.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  3. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Niggers should be treated at the Cartwright Institute.

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  5. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Apes need a vetrinarian. Human doctors should be limited to only humans.

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  7. #4
    Ray Cizzums's Avatar
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    Ah, yeah - niggers refuse to buy health insurance, or are on medicaid. Either way, they never heard of
    paying a doctor, they just wait until they're in bad shape, then call the "bamba-lance". They walk out
    of the ER if their "muh feels" aren't tended to immediately, and they ignore medical advice once they're
    diagnosed. Their diet of Newpoats, grape soda and pork cracklin's, combined with STD's galore, and the
    "beetus", makes them easy targets for the kung-flu.

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  9. #5
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    Ah, yeah - niggers refuse to buy health insurance, or are on medicaid. Either way, they never heard of
    paying a doctor, they just wait until they're in bad shape, then call the "bamba-lance". They walk out
    of the ER if their "muh feels" aren't tended to immediately, and they ignore medical advice once they're
    diagnosed. Their diet of Newpoats, grape soda and pork cracklin's, combined with STD's galore, and the
    "beetus", makes them easy targets for the kung-flu.
    That is da fawlt o da wy mans!

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