The animals not only are running the zoo in NYC but they have the keys to boot. Well NY I have said this before.
You voted for this, you wanted this, enjoy the fruits of your ignorant votes.
Until the people come to understand that pulling the blue lever leads to communist oppression and racism against whites, they will never stand a chance to correct their situation.
Liberal white women are the most vile communist demon spawn to be unleashed on a society. Their voting democrat no matter what is virtually guaranteed, and the commies know this. That's why every campaign in every blue city always has some element of "reproductive rights" in it. To get the white demons to vote for them again and again.
The white liberal women's undying support for communists has to be negated by people who realize that the blue lever leads to the bullshit they have now.
You vote niggers into positions of power and you get nigger favorable laws.
To the victor goes the spoils.
So you wanted this NYC. Enjoy it.