Looks at muh.
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Looks at muh.
The fat, greasy, has-been, bipolar nigger and his prize whore... I mean, the architect. :lol
Bianca, dear - I know Koonye and your naked body are your only claims to fame, but running around with those whoppers unfettered and flopping in the breeze? They'll be touching your knees by the time you're 40.
I'm surprised Koonye has the nerve to return to the US. He'll probably be arrested for participating in Diddy-nig's Festivals of Perversion.
Yep we have devolved to
idiocracy. The complete absence of moral values in society. Thanks niggers.
Media people acting like she's actually a person of value, like they always do with worthless nonentities like that. Now and then she should think about what her last name means in English and act on it.
Yes, because people of value don't rut with greasy niggers or parade around naked. Everyone has already seen her buttocks and her massive mammaries a million times. I guess the nigger doesn't care that his mixaloid sprogs are seeing all this. Are we supposed to be in awe of a dirty whore who blows a nigger in public? Anyone else would have been arrested, but these dregs of society are seen as some divine entities and get away with it.
So apperin' nekkid in publick ain't a crime no mo'????