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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 10-19-2024, 07:04 PM
    The BBC isn't much better:

  • 10-19-2024, 02:46 PM
    Niggers are Useless
    Black benny hill. Would that be the sambo show?
  • 10-19-2024, 10:45 AM
    We had some Canadian shows here that weren't niggered up. "Heartland" seemed to be very popular although I never watched it. I'm sure there are a few others I've heard of but never seen.

    Your BBC has gone absolutely NBN (Nothing But Niggers) right down to an Africoon Dr. Who. Sad. I used to enjoy British programming.
  • 10-18-2024, 10:05 PM
    Niggers are Useless
    No, we don't have anything like that, that I can think of or remember hearing about. All shows are niggered up. The mainly white shows that don't prominently feature niggers feature faggots and trannies prominently with niggers in some kind of support role. American television isn't worth the time it takes to press the power button. I am glad you have something left of your culture.
  • 10-18-2024, 08:04 PM


    I wanted to alert you of an excellent tv sitcom we once had here in the UK that was free from nigger ruination. Benidorm was based upon our holiday hotspot in Spain where British folk vacate in the summer. What made this show so refreshing was that is wasn't infested by niggers and free from nigger influence. The show ran from 2007 to 2017 and I only remember seeing three nigger characters throughout the series and two of them were mixed race. This was a real back-to-basics of British comedy like in the old Carry-On films of the 1960s where nigger tokenism wasn't heard of and the swamping of our culture this way wasn't even a threat. Benidorm was sacred from the scourge of nigger over-inclusion, advertising, voice-overs, music and everything that has ebonised our way of life.

    I really wanted to announce this show as it was like the last bastion off white working class culture that had somehow managed to resist Afro degeneracy. Do you have any tv shows like this in the States that seem to have survived nigger influence and bravely flaunt it without condemnation?

    Seriously, stuff like this is precious.

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