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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 09-26-2024, 06:24 PM
    That's what halftrack motorcycles had in them. This one's Opel-powered. It was even assigned to pulling the first fighter jet

  • 09-26-2024, 04:05 PM
    Did y'all see that 600 lb nigger pile of shit going to the drive through funeral parlor on a motorized wheelchair? That thing's gotta have an inline 4 to push that dinosaur-sized nigger heap of crap
  • 09-26-2024, 02:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Niger Mann View Post looks like a contest to see who can get the most looks-at-me attention. Gaudy bright colors, feathers, beads, chains, shiny baubles and peacock gyrating while caterwauling...
    Some notable commentary posted since then:

    ...I thought I was going to see a funny video...What. The..Fuck? Ah, Compton...The idea is simple. Drive By Shooting, Drive By Viewing...I love how she opens with "THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF COMPTON" - Well, it's not a city, it's a district/neighbourhood...And also, it's a piece of shit...The mall looks nice, but even there is about a death a month from gang shootings...

    Here, entertaining analogy about the peacock preferring to keep its tail, despite a higher risk of getting hunted down and more Blingy behavior:

  • 10-16-2022, 08:52 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    A hemp necktie and iron handchuffs are the best looking funeral attire for all niggers.
    Works for their weddings too. Never out of fashion!
  • 10-13-2022, 11:29 PM
    What in the actual hell is this?! Before I clicked on this, part of me thought this was going to be something funny but now I'm going to be having nightmares about this. I have no other words to say, good god this is just crazy.
  • 10-13-2022, 09:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    WT actual F??? It took a minute to notice the sows with the fake muh diks.
    Did you look at the article? There's another picture at the funeral from a different angle of the buck dressed all down-low and admiring the sows sporting what it really likes.

    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Is there anything niggers do that is not hypersexual and muh dik muh poosay oriented???
    The nigger brain is pretty rudimentary. All it knows how to do is eat and rut. Everything a nigger does is associated with one of these 2 things.

    Fighting? To appear as an alpha buck and attract a sow to rut with
    Wearing garish attire? To attract a sow to rut with.
    Stealing/robbing? To obtain money or goods to attract a sow to rut with or obtain KFC/McDonalds to consume and offer to a sow in the hopes it will be able to rut with it.
    Being loud and doing "looks-at-me" things? To gain attention from sows in the hope one will be attracted enough and want to rut with it
  • 10-13-2022, 05:50 PM
    WT actual F??? It took a minute to notice the sows with the fake muh diks. Is there anything niggers do that is not hypersexual and muh dik muh poosay oriented???
  • 10-13-2022, 03:55 PM
    A hemp necktie and iron handchuffs are the best looking funeral attire for all niggers.
    Works for their weddings too. Never out of fashion!
  • 10-13-2022, 02:59 PM
    Thanks for sharing this vile and putrid story with us NM - it is I'm afraid necessary to educate and warn the curious to the perils of negro conduct. You should sign up and become a permanent fixture instead of just passing through,.
  • 10-13-2022, 03:14 AM
    Niger Mann

    Nigger Funeral Attire

    I've seen some videos of awfully inappropriate nigger attire and behavior in nigger churches as they try to mimic humans at being thankful to God and having a soul. Usually it looks like a contest to see who can get the most looks-at-me attention. Gaudy bright colors, feathers, beads, chains, shiny baubles and peacock gyrating while caterwauling.
    This, however, is a new level of ridiculous and bizarre at, what is suppose to be, a solemn funeral service. Even more strange than the nigger drive through funeral home where niggers drive or walk by, have a look at the dead nigger and then go hit up the KFC drive through. ( )
    I would describe it as perverse, obscene, depraved, degenerate and debauched. A fine representative of it's species.

    God put niggers on earth to be beasts of burden, that's why they don't have souls. Satan convinced some humans, who persuaded others in enough numbers, that they are now mistaken for being human by many.

    A funeral is where people gather to mourn the loss of a human and ask God to accept the soul into heaven. God sees this mess and knows it is a joke. On some level, I think even niggers are aware they don't have souls, and this is why they behave the way they do in churches and at funerals.

    Looks-at-me! Looks-at-me! Muh-dik! Muh-dik! I beez on the down-low!!!! 🎵🎶🎹 Swing low, sweet mu-dik! Cumin fo da big 'ol sow! 🎹🎶🎵

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