View Full Version : Tesla is a hotbed for racism..

11-15-2017, 07:45 AM
Tesla Inc.'s production floor is a "hotbed for racist behavior," more than 100 African-American employees claimed in a lawsuit in which they alleged black workers at the electric carmaker suffer severe and pervasive harassment.

the company recently fired about 700 workers for low performance.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Marcus Vaughn, who worked in the Fremont factory from April 23 to Oct. 31. Vaughn alleged that employees and supervisors regularly used the "N word" around him and other black colleagues. Vaughn said he complained in writing to human resources and Musk and was terminated in late October for "not having a positive attitude.":lol


11-15-2017, 10:14 AM
Low or NO performing niggers at work...... say it isn't so :lol

I am sure Nikola is rolling over in his grave right now.

Lynch Tree
11-17-2017, 02:44 PM

11-18-2017, 05:05 AM
I guess it is harassment to doc them pay for being late. Harassment to tell them check your facespook on your time. Harassment to tell them not to congregate, shuck, and jive during work hours. Harassment to be called into the HR office and be told that some white woman is sick of your nigger leering and knows you want to rape her.