View Full Version : There aren't enough niggers hooked on pain meds..

11-12-2017, 07:51 AM
When you ignore black people's pain you get a mostly white opioid crisis

43% of the black patients received no pain medication whereas only 26% of white patients went untreated for pain." That finding caused the report's lead author to conclude, "Patient ethnicity affects decision making, independent of objective clinical criteria."

"Black children are less likely to receive any pain medication for moderate pain and less likely to receive opioids for severe pain,

many black Americans have come to see the country's epidemic of opioid deaths as happening exclusively among white people, and the sudden wave of compassion for drug users is causing a lot on anger in black communities that were decimated by policies that put black drug users in prison.


11-12-2017, 08:47 AM
I'm so sick of hearing the liberals bitch and moan about Trump only caring about the opioid crisis because it "only effects white people". Bullshit. Ask any nurse, pharmacist or any other medical professional about who is getting all these pain meds. A friend of mine is a pharmacy tech and she bitches about this DAILY. Oh, and of course, they want it fo freez. Obviously, niggers are the biggest drug seekers and get turned down the most but in terms of sheer numbers receiving pain meds, niggers aren't exactly going without.