View Full Version : Antifa it all begins November 4th

11-03-2017, 09:44 PM
I know last month antifa blocked the 101 freeway in Los Angeles with signs saying it all begins November 4th.
Today I took the bus to work and niggers were chanting it all begins tomorrow the 4th of November. On the way home from work today more niggers telling white people they better not be out and about tomorrow because tomorrow us niggers will rise up and take over this mother f%#@#in Las Vegas you have been warned yelled the niggers. The hospital I work at is aware of the possible uprising of the niggers tomorrow but after talking with law enforcement it is just all talk right now so the hospital is not adding any overtime shifts this weekend because it is just talk. Have any of you heard or see anything happening in your towns or cities tomorrow?

11-04-2017, 04:10 AM
No bix nood about it here, but we don't exactly have a large nigger population here either.

11-04-2017, 04:13 AM
I live in the local NFC north. NO fucking coons so haven't heard anything

11-04-2017, 07:36 AM
There's three in Mass not far from me but I have to clean out the garage today..

Akron, November 4
4:00 pm
Gather in front of the Mitchell UFCW Building
1655 West Market Str. & North Hawkins Ave.
Atlanta, November 4
6:00 pm
Euclid & Moreland Ave NE
Little 5 Points/Findley Plaza, Atlanta

Bring pots and pans, flashlights, glow sticks, lanterns, signs, banners, and everyone you know. The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
Facebook Event

Austin, November 4
1:00 pm

City Hall 301 West 2nd Street, Austin
Facebook event page

Boston, November 4
4:00 pm

Due to permit negotiations, the November 4th demonstration “This Nightmare Must End” The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!” has been moved from Shoppers’ Plaza to the Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Commons.
Facebook event page

Chicago, November 4
1:00 pm
Federal Plaza, 219 S. Dearborn

Facebook event page

Cincinnati, November 4
1:00 pm

Piatt Park 100 Garfield Place

Cleveland, November 4
1:00 pm
Public Square

Facebook event page

Falmouth, MA, November 4
10:30 am
Move to Remove

Falmouth Town Green, Falmouth, MA

Honolulu, November 4
9:30 am
9:30am: Gather at Ala Moana Park (across from Pi`ikoi St.)

11:00 am: Rally at Thomas Square
Facebook event page

Indianapolis, November 4
11 am & 1 pm

11:00 am at the CVS parking lot, 46th & Keystone
1:00 pm at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, 38th Street entrance

Los Angeles, November 4
1:00 pm

Pershing Square
5th St. and Hill St ~ Downtown LA

Facebook event page

Miami, November 4
12:00 PM
Gather at Bayfront Park Friendship Torch

Facebook event page

Minneapolis, November 4
12:00 PM

Berger Fountain at Loring Park

1382 Willow Street
Facebook Event

New York City, November 4
2:00 pm

42nd Street & Broadway NYC
Facebook event page

Philadelphia, November 4
2:00 pm

Thomas Paine Plaza
1401 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia
Facebook event page

Pittsfield, MA November 4
1:00 pm

Park Square 1 West Street
Pittsfield MA
Facebook event page

Portland, Oregon November 4
2:00 pm

Jameson Square Fountain, Portland Oregon
PDX Refuse Fascism! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
RSVP and spread Facebook page

Salem, OR, November 4
3:00 pm

Salem Capitol
Facebook Event

San Francisco, November 4
3:00 PM

Union Square, San Francisco
Facebook Event

Seattle, November 4
12:00 pm

Gather at Seattle City Hall Plaza, 4th Avenue & James Street
Facebook Event

Tucson, November 4
2:00 PM

March begins at Tucson Comic Con / TCC
260 S. Church Avenue
Meet @ NO! Banner near front entrance


Sheboon DeLuxe
11-04-2017, 10:29 AM
Lots of niggers and hippie trash in Salt Lake City, but no sign of trouble. I'm driving north on I-15 soon, and am bringing my camera and sail foam. Mr. Colt is going along for the ride.

11-04-2017, 10:41 AM
It's pouring rain today. [emoji38]I predict a low turnout. Niggers won't even take a shower. What makes you think they will ever stand out in the rain.

Sent from my N9560 using Tapatalk

justin igger
11-05-2017, 11:32 AM
Seems it went over with a whimper.

11-06-2017, 12:01 AM
I can tell you EXACTLY why this was such an epic fail. BLIZZCON was this weekend. All the World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo MMORPG gamers were in their mom's basement or at the event, tuning into the event, doing shit all the edgy cosplay geeks do, living the betafag dream. They didn't have time for no fucking revolutionary, real life protesting....BLIZZCON! Way to schedule your riots with the the demographic you most depended on to be there, dumbasses.....lmao


Lynch Tree
11-06-2017, 12:33 AM
I can tell you EXACTLY why this was such an epic fail. BLIZZCON was this weekend. All the World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo MMORPG gamers were in their mom's basement or at the event, tuning into the event, doing shit all the edgy cosplay geeks do, living the betafag dream. They didn't have time for no fucking revolutionary, real life protesting....BLIZZCON! Way to schedule your riots with the the demographic you most depended on to be there, dumbasses.....lmao


Astute observation.

11-06-2017, 02:32 AM
I can tell you EXACTLY why this was such an epic fail. BLIZZCON was this weekend. All the World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo MMORPG gamers were in their mom's basement or at the event, tuning into the event, doing shit all the edgy cosplay geeks do, living the betafag dream. They didn't have time for no fucking revolutionary, real life protesting....BLIZZCON! Way to schedule your riots with the the demographic you most depended on to be there, dumbasses.....lmao

You must be right! I didn't know about the event, which makes this meme all the better.


11-10-2017, 06:37 AM
I saw some signs here and there to. But it was cold as shit and snowing that day. Not a single nigger for miles aside of the ones banging on the welfare office doors I bet.

06-29-2024, 07:09 AM
...the November 4th demonstration “This Nightmare Must End” The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”...A mayor in an Italian city has challenged pro-refugee demonstrators to put their daughters' bedrooms where their mouths are:


...The mayor of the Italian municipality of Inzago probably spoke from many people's hearts when he summoned pro-asylum demonstrators to his town hall some time ago. There, the welcome applauders should sign a commitment to take illegal migrants into their homes and take care of them at their expense. Beforehand, he obtained a list of those people who expressed their desire at a demonstration to flood the region of the metropolis of Milan, which also includes Inzago, with even more illegal migrants.

Mayor demands consistent attitude from do-gooders

It is probably very easy to play the “humane” at the expense of the general public and to loudly demand convenient charity instead of giving preference to strenuous charity. And that's exactly why the mayor called for consistent action from migration supporters. “They have expressed their opinion,” said Fumagalli, “but now I also expect them to be consistent with what they say” and further “they must show consistency.” And the mayor is even clearer, according to TiscaliNews...

07-02-2024, 12:30 PM
A mayor in an Italian city has challenged pro-refugee demonstrators to put their daughters' bedrooms where their mouths are:


Liberals are first in line to tell others to do something or pay for it. Once in a while we hear of some "pro-migrant" idiot that gets killed by a nigger or asslifter, but it doesn't happen often enough.

One of my solutions is that whoever calls for open borders, and especially the government paying to bring in illegals, should be prosecuted as an accomplice for every crime their pets commit.