View Full Version : U Mass article-"Why the World hates black people"

Gul Dukat
10-23-2017, 11:21 PM
Triple K in the Hizzouse, Moonman here, Dukat found this article, written by some libtard and asked me to commentate.



The world is very clear on its feelings toward black people, but the question I pose is why? What did black people do collectively to the world to warrant such aggressive behavior toward us?

How about this, it's the Nigerian delta.
It's just a giant oil slick.
That's just one example from your home continent, never mind the Detroit riots of the 60's which left it abandoned (and other areas).
Also it's how you behave, just go on world star, youtube or liveleak.



However, keep in mind that white Democrat-dominated states had no interest in giving black people equal protection under the law, which the 15th Amendment would have given them, were it ratified that year.

Giving them equal rights just turned peachy didn't it, just like in South Africa.

Moving on.

Multiple generations of blacks lived and died with those words burned into their memories. Those signs relegated whether black people could eat at a restaurant, shop at a store, sit in a public park, drink from a water fountain, use a public restroom, ride a bus, hail a taxi, and so on.

Yes, force whites to integrate with negros at gunpoint was a real win for us, right?
See the below image. Remember, it's a free country.


Skip the rest of this libtard drivel.

I remember when Ethiopia was experiencing a horrific famine in the 1980s, and a long roster of sympathetic American rock stars organized a huge benefit concert to help. Interestingly, it was around the same time Japan (a vanquished nation from WWII) was kicking butt seemingly in every way, technologically and economically.

The Japanese have a strict sense of order, honor, organization and work ethics. Black African countries fail because they just can't work together without fighting. Japan rebounded from being hit by nukes, twice. Detroit had niggers which had almost the same effect. Japan can feed itself without UN handouts or help from U2's Boner.

When cultures clash over resources, you have the physical conflict of wars and colonization, but you also have societal clashes. 1 With superior power, European and other cultures were able to establish a narrative by which African people were labeled as "primitive" or "barbaric." This would then be associated with the presumption of a lack of intelligence, and often combined with religious racism—the belief that the more powerful group found success by the will of God, that they were the Chosen Ones, surrounded by lesser people.

The same thing can be seen anywhere colonialism occurred, where the dominant, invading culture looks down upon the "Godless heathens."

That Africans and their descendants were targeted for discrimination is a result of this mindset, which became self-affirming. 2The circular logic was that Africa was undeveloped because the people were inferior, so it was justified to subjugate African cultures, which further prevented them from advancing, which reinforced the judgment that there was something lesser about the people and the culture.

1- Europe gave us Handel, Beethoven, Mozart, African niggers gave us jumping up and down in spot, and a language which is clicks and farts.

2-Leave you to your devices and you fail.

That's it, I think I channeled Moonman after watching one too many of his vids.

Buck Simian
10-24-2017, 08:26 AM
I could have summed it up in four words.
Because They Are Niggers.

justin igger
10-24-2017, 08:30 AM
Bravo! You nailed it. Now you need to use the moonman maker and record it :lol

10-25-2017, 09:15 AM
De-niggering of the entire planet would make me happy.

Call Me Bwana
10-25-2017, 12:48 PM
De-niggering of the entire planet would make me happy.

You and me both!!!

Cracka Jack
10-25-2017, 05:09 PM
My dad told me at a young age, "Niggers are always looking back, never forward." How right he was.

Instead of constantly regurgitating all the wrongs committed against them since forever, why can't some nigger write an essay on how they are productive members of society?


Gul Dukat
10-26-2017, 12:19 AM
My dad told me at a young age, "Niggers are always looking back, never forward." How right he was.

Instead of constantly regurgitating all the wrongs committed against them since forever, why can't some nigger write an essay on how they are productive members of society?

