View Full Version : Remembering the "lynching" of good nigger Fred Johnson 100 years ago this month

Lynch Tree
10-23-2017, 06:18 AM
More like swift justice...



10-23-2017, 04:04 PM
Today the liberal newspapers would report it like this:

A white mob caused the swift and violent death of an oppressed African-American. In need of food money, the underprivileged Fred Johnson asked a passer-by if she had anything to spare. After that evil racist white woman refused, Mr. Johnson further begged her "for the sake of my people who were once kangs but are now slaves," then grabbed her bag. Although he was only going to take small change and return it, he was beset upon by vigilantes that, the SPLC assure us, have Klan ties. Fearing for his life, Mr. Johnson fled and was shot in violation of his civil rights. Local sources tell us that there are no records of Mr. Johnson ever being in trouble, beyond a few juvenile adventures. His mother, who has already filed a notice of claim against the city, declared him "a good boy who was turning his life around," adding that he "was an aspiring rapper and future pillar of the community."

Rape Ape
10-23-2017, 05:57 PM
I'm surprised they didn't outright call it a "nigger" instead of "negro". :lol
And I'd never heard the term "footpad" for a robber. I think I'll stick with "nigger" though.

Rape Ape
10-23-2017, 05:58 PM
Today the liberal newspapers would report it like this:

A white mob caused the swift and violent death of an oppressed African-American. In need of food money, the underprivileged Fred Johnson asked a passer-by if she had anything to spare. After that evil racist white woman refused, Mr. Johnson further begged her "for the sake of my people who were once kangs but are now slaves," then grabbed her bag. Although he was only going to take small change and return it, he was beset upon by vigilantes that, the SPLC assure us, have Klan ties. Fearing for his life, Mr. Johnson fled and was shot in violation of his civil rights. Local sources tell us that there are no records of Mr. Johnson ever being in trouble, beyond a few juvenile adventures. His mother, who has already filed a notice of claim against the city, declared him "a good boy who was turning his life around," adding that he "was an aspiring rapper and future pillar of the community."

Wait a minute, have you worked for the New York Times recently? :lmao

10-24-2017, 01:59 PM
Wait a minute, have you worked for the New York Times recently? :lmao

If I showed them that seriously, I'd get a front page byline every day to do it over and over!