View Full Version : Amherst College asslifters were butthurt because one speaker sometimes talks about jihad

10-21-2017, 08:08 PM
Michael Graham wasn't even talking about jihad at this event, but it doesn't stop the Religion of Fake Outrage.

Graham, notably, was only one of several speakers on a panel titled, "Why Military Action After 9/11 Was Justified and Saved American Lives," which also included military veteran and State Representative John Velis; the state commander for the Department of Massachusetts Veterans of Foreign Wars, Eric Segundo; and Robert Roughsedge, an Army officer and commentator who served in Afghanistan in a NATO command.

In an open letter last week, members of the Muslim Students Association, the South Asian Students Association, and others say that they felt like their physical safety was at stake as a result of the Graham’s participation in the panel.


10-21-2017, 10:16 PM
Yeah sure you asslifters were afraid for your safety because U.S. patriots were speaking , oh the horror, the horror (Apocalypse Now reference). You filthy savages crucify women and children, lop off heads of "infidels" and stone women. If anyone fears for their safety it should be non muslims you psychotic fucks. The fuckin gall of these savages.