View Full Version : Now it's "racist" to mockingly talk about "white privilege"

10-20-2017, 10:06 AM
The sow says it'll never use Frontier again. Good, that's a relief to the rest of the passengers! This is a setup for nigger lotto, of course.

The sow lied that the man was talking to it, and the article even contradicts itself. The man was saying that to his new friend, in the context of not being served more alcohol. Is he a jerk, maybe. Should he have been met by security upon landing, absolutely. Was it criminal? No.

Furthermore, the Riverfront Times of St. Louis reports that the “drunk” man has yet to be criminally charged for causing a disturbance aboard the flight, despite police and EMS workers being called to deal with him upon arrival.

"He does have this invisible white card," Shemekia Cannon told the Riverfront Times. "They’re protecting this man to the point where we don’t even know his name. He’s alive, living his life, thinking this is all over. That's how I know that card exists."

Cannon alleges that a flight attendant came by and told the man he was no longer allowed to order alcohol, which prompted him to turn to the redheaded woman and say, "Don't worry, I have white privilege, I have a white card."


Rape Ape
10-20-2017, 03:24 PM
Guess I'm racist, then. Oh well. :lmao


10-20-2017, 05:36 PM
Yeah, I would be upset.... NO fuming, pissed off to NO end if I had to sit next to a stinking filthy knuckle dragging sheboon too :lol


10-20-2017, 06:11 PM
Good luck trying to get your seat changed. My white card, great. Like it. Where can I get mine?

Cracka Jack
10-20-2017, 06:27 PM
Rayciss everywhere, and everyhow. Overt, covert and otherwise, and still the fucking niggers won't leave the country........

10-23-2017, 04:52 AM
"He does have this invisible white card," Shemekia Cannon told the Riverfront Times
