View Full Version : We were No.1 twice, now we're No. 44..

10-14-2017, 07:07 AM
Not sure if it's because of the niggers and spiggers migrating up from Mass or because Frannie died..

44. Nashua, New Hampshire

> Population: 87,889
> Median home value: $256,800
> Poverty rate: 9.1% (bottom 25%)
> Pct. with at least a bachelor’s degree: 31.3%

Residents of Nashua, New Hampshire benefit from a strong economy and a disproportionately high concentration of cultural amenities and entertainment venues. Only 3.3% of the local labor force is out of work, well below the 4.9% annual U.S. unemployment rate. Many of those working in Nashua are well compensated. The typical area household earns $69,769 a year, over $12,000 more than the typical American household.

Nashua residents have plenty of options when it comes to spending disposable income. There are 223 restaurants and cafes for every 100,000 residents, far more than the typical concentration nationwide. Nashua also boasts a greater than average concentration of recreation centers and sports teams.


Cat fur allergic
10-14-2017, 02:06 PM
I would say catholic charities imports and those Muslims and coal black original African niggers I see when I drive to my SHTF house. Besides that coalburners bring their bucks/spiggers along with their drug habits into the small cities.

Ever time I see middle of no where I see one walking or riding a bike!! Thank the gods they can't drive!!!I see normal spiggers/niggers in small cities.

Rape Ape
10-14-2017, 05:09 PM
It's gotta be all the leftard Massholes moving up from Boston and bringing their communism and niggerloving ways with them. It used to be NH was where you lived if you were stuck working in Boston but were not a communist.