View Full Version : More news on humans and niggers are two different species.

Cat fur allergic
10-13-2017, 12:05 AM
When scientists excavated a 40,000-year-old skeleton in China in 2003, they thought they had discovered the offspring of a Neandertal and a modern human. But ancient DNA now reveals that the “Tianyuan Man” has only traces of Neandertal DNA and none detectable from another type of extinct human known as a Denisovan. Instead, he was a full-fledged member of our species, Homo sapiens, and a distant relative of people who today live in East Asia and South America. The work could help scientists retrace some of the earliest steps of human migration.

The team calculated that the Tianyuan Man inherited about as much Neandertal DNA—4% to 5%—as ancient Europeans and Asians of similar age. That’s a bit higher than the 1.8% to 2.6% of Neandertal DNA in living Europeans and Asians. The Tianyuan Man did not have any detectable DNA from Denisovans, an elusive cousin of Neandertals known only from their DNA extracted from a few teeth and small bones from a Siberian cave and from traces of their DNA that can still be found in people in Melanesia—where they got it is a major mystery.


Only niggers don't have this mix in them.

Call Me Bwana
10-16-2017, 06:49 PM
Are you saying that blacks aren’t like us? That they’re made from different DNA? Well, if that is true then one would expect that they don’t act like humans at all!! It’s possible then that blacks might be more animalistic than humans. Hmmmm? Who’da thunk it????

justin igger
10-16-2017, 07:38 PM

Only niggers don't have this mix in them.

Neanderthals were the first humanoids discovered that actually cared for their sick and wounded,performed elaborate burial rites and honored their dead. Before that, tribes of ape like creatures either left their brethren for dead, ate or killed them. This 4% neanderthal DNA we carry is theorized to give humans compassion, empathy and sentimentality. Niggers have none of this. Humans who have too much become libtards.