View Full Version : 1081 dead nigger skulls

10-07-2017, 07:13 AM
1,000 African Skulls Stolen for Racist Research in Germany Discovered in a Museum Basement


SC Anemia
10-07-2017, 09:53 AM
begun a project to find more information about them—and figure out what to do with them.

I have a suggestion :lol

10-07-2017, 10:00 AM
That number needs quite a few zeros behind it.

06-26-2024, 06:27 AM
Add one more to the collection. A failed attempt at torching an allegedly Bedouin-run bet parlor ends with a self barbecue:



...although the injuries the man sustained in the fire subsequently proved to be serious. The alleged perpetrator suffered burns all over his body and - after receiving initial medical treatment on the spot - was later flown in a rescue helicopter to a special clinic for further treatment, where he died on Tuesday evening...

...In addition, a police helicopter circled over the northern part of the city in the afternoon to take aerial photos, while experts from the police and the LKA (equivalent to a state police) began investigating the destroyed shops. According to rumors, the building in question belongs to a clan family. Some time ago, the living area of ​​the house had already been the scene of a police raid. According to information from police circles, Tuesday's attack does not have a clan background...


https://sun9-80.userapi.com/impg/8FgTOkGOKlaA0tymUFhHe6caH-QL0zNesP83sA/twg6Sfl75w0.jpg?quality=95&blur=50,20&as=32x43,48x64,72x96,108x144,160x213,240x320,360x4 80,480x640,540x720,640x853,720x960,960x1280&sign=4d81914ea720426c38c6ea92ef7deb43&from=bu&u=C7gWTg93wNdmI_JAowhXUJ5usKz6QDyuED_AG7echNA&cs=605x807

Jim Crow
06-26-2024, 06:37 AM
The article was bogus. it stated “human skulls“.Since when is a nigger human?

06-26-2024, 08:33 AM
Demands to "repatriate" the skulls, along with a big stack of gibs, in 3...2...1...

Here's another idea, just go to the 1-minute mark and pretend the targets are Communists:
