View Full Version : New 131 page report finds that the entire state of New Jersey is racist..

10-07-2017, 06:57 AM
a report by the Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey calling on policymakers and concerned citizens to address what it believes to be structural racism permeating the state’s institutions, resulting in racial injustice and economic inequality.

The 131-page report, “The Uncomfortable Truth: Racism, Injustice and Poverty,” doesn’t break much new ground in cataloging racial and ethnic disparities. It underscores the vast differences in the poverty rates among blacks, Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites in all age categories. It notes that the poverty rate for blacks is more than twice that of whites and even higher for Hispanics, and that 6.4 percent of non-Hispanic whites were living below the poverty limit, compared with 17.4 percent of blacks and 18.6 percent of Hispanics.

What sets this report apart from others on race and poverty is that it connects the dots on the impact of state policy in the areas of housing, immigration, voting rights, school funding and health care, and provides a comprehensive blueprint for tackling the problems. It rightly traces many of those problems to housing and school segregation.
