View Full Version : This niglet was wandering alone outside the supermarket entrance, not another nigger in sight

10-07-2017, 12:19 AM
It couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 in human years. It's the first time I didn't see a very young niglet without a sow or even a buck. I hadn't seen a single nigger inside the store, and there were no other niggers anywhere in the parking lot. The niglet walked past the entrance and kept on going with a serious look on its face.

I wasn't going to approach it, and I didn't want to tell the store manager. If he approached it, he'd at least be wasting his time chasing it, and it might turn out really bad for him. It might be a niglet, but it could bite and give someone its AIDS. I'd sooner try playing with a rabid Rottweiler on a sunny July afternoon.


10-07-2017, 01:02 AM
You should know by now that niggers let their spawn roam free and wild, just like in the African bush.

justin igger
10-07-2017, 01:22 AM
I've seen niglets wandering loose before. Usually its a 2 year old who is supposed to be watched by its 6 year old brother. Good luck with that.

Rape Ape
10-07-2017, 03:57 AM
The niglets wander around and beg for stuff from YT. Mammy is of course nowhere to be seen, and Pappy is always long gone.

Bernie Goetz
10-07-2017, 06:59 AM
A diversion , some human woman will go to help it and another nigger will rob her pocketbook.

Cracka Jack
10-07-2017, 02:25 PM
Maybe it'll find a trail of Skittles leading across a busy highway....

10-07-2017, 02:51 PM
I see lone niglets around here, but never one that young. I guess they're so feral that once they can walk, the sow lets them find their own chicken wings.

Buck Simian
10-07-2017, 10:29 PM
AWWW how sweet. I would have helped it out by pointing it in the direction of the nearest busy intersection or lake and tell him he could find plenty of fried chicken there.

Call Me Bwana
10-23-2017, 09:01 PM
This lone niglet was beginning its learning process to “case the joint”. Snooping around and scoping out human’s property is best done in smaller numbers.

The Nigger Apprenticeship Program Propensity, or N.A.P.P.Y. For short, is a well-known and universally recognized thievery curriculum. Advanced classes in thievery begin at age 4, and full blown accredited graduates are usually given NU degrees by age 12.

Gul Dukat
10-24-2017, 06:16 PM
Maybe it'll find a trail of Skittles leading across a busy highway....

Or a trail of skittles leading back to a train yard.