View Full Version : Niglet claims teacher knocked out its tooth, sow going for nigger lotto

10-07-2017, 12:10 AM
Even if the teacher is a nigger, I don't believe this for an instant. Whatt really happened: the uppity little niglet was undeniably causing problems ("misbehaving"), started throwing things around, and the tooth fell out because it's a niglet tooth.

“In dealing with him, you have to understand more of body language, behaviors, things like that,” she told WHAM.

On the day of the incident last week, Williams was alone in a classroom with the gym teacher for unclear reasons.

“I got in trouble,” Williams told WHAM. “And he slammed me down on the floor and my tooth got knocked out.”

Williams also reportedly flipped chairs and began yelling, prompting teachers and administrators to try and restrain him. He was then sent to the office, according to WHAM. It’s also unclear if Williams’ actions were in response to the teacher pushing him or a separate incident. A school nurse discovered Williams had a cut on his upper lip and one of his front teeth were missing.


Teachers are supposed to "understand" when a vicious animal starts acting violently? It doesn't matter if a niglet is only 6, it's still a danger to adults if they aren't careful.