View Full Version : Your Name is Tobin

10-06-2017, 02:59 AM
University of Montana professor Tobin Miller Shearer, director of the African-American studies program, said he noticed something was wrong right away Thursday morning as he passed the bulletin board in the Liberal Arts building on campus.

The day before, Shearer had posted a flyer outlining a new class he is offering in the spring: “White Supremacy History/Defeat.”

But on Thursday morning, another sign — designed to look just like Shearer’s poster — had been put up atop his, this one detailing a fictitious course “Black Nationalism History/Defeat.”

Whoever made the new flyer had copied Shearer’s layout, including the font and location of a photo, and changing the bullet points of the course objectives from ones like Shearer’s “Implement and evaluate a project to dismantle white supremacy in the U.S.” to the same line directed at “black nationalism.”

The false sign said the class also would include group projects “aimed at dismantling race-baiting hypocrisy.”

“It’s very disturbing because of the amount of time that was put into making it look real,” Shearer said.


10-06-2017, 05:37 AM


10-06-2017, 07:46 AM
He definitely looks like a cuck, and I bet an oil driller too.

Sheboon DeLuxe
10-06-2017, 10:18 AM
Should have read TNB: It's History And Defeat: The Problem Is NIGGERS!!

Wonder how that would go over?

justin igger
10-06-2017, 02:43 PM
The fact that the exact opposite but equal point of view is considered dangerous by this cuck, just speaks to the hypocrisy of SJWs and myopic nature of liberals in general.

10-06-2017, 03:05 PM
The nature of the "White Supremacy" argument serves only to point out that whites are actually superior, and that POCs can not rise to such a level; therefore whites must be brought down to achievement equality. All the while, ignoring Asians, who don't fit into the "poor oppressed" narrative, proving that they could rise above any discrimination, real or imagined.
Nothing but Marxist perversion of class struggle into race.

As someone on Chimpout had in his tag line: "I'm not a white supremacist, I'm a black inferiorist."

Black inferiority shows itself on a daily basis, thanks to the posters, moderators and admins of the plantation.