View Full Version : Skoo discipline for niggers needs to be 'culturally sensitive', say education 'leaders'

Lynch Tree
10-04-2017, 11:13 PM
Get a load of this insane bullshit.


10-05-2017, 12:01 AM
What fucking bullshit. I'll take them one at a time.

So niggers and slackers don't have to worry, they can waltz in whenever they feel like it. Schools will basically give them permanent hall passes.

Schools can't get rid of violent 4th graders or younger who bring knives, throw chairs, spit, bite, etc.

Sick and suspended students already get their stuff sent home with a sibling (nigling) or neighbor kid. But now teachers have to give "help" at a nigger nest? Fuck that, no amount of hazard pay can cover that.

A student, even human, suspended for a long time simply shouldn't be allowed to return. The only thing "sensitive" thing for trouble kids and niglets should be that it hurts for a month to sit down.

I can already provide an easy tracking system with just three boxes to choose from: nigger, Hispanic, white trash.

10-05-2017, 10:02 AM
Schools have basically become a way station/Baby stiiting service for niggers, to their final graduation to NU.

Rape Ape
10-05-2017, 04:56 PM
I actually agree. Discipline for niggers should strictly follow nigger culture. That means having a big fat angry mammy beat the ever-loving tar out of them if they put one toe out of line. Not for any kind of education or justice, but because the mammy gets frustrated. :lmao