View Full Version : Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13: When niggers file for bankruptcy they still fail..

09-28-2017, 06:45 AM
people overwhelmed by debt have a choice: They can either file under Chapter 7, which wipes out debts and, since most filers lack significant assets, allows them to keep what little they have. Or they can choose Chapter 13, which usually requires five years of payments to creditors before any debts are eliminated, but blocks foreclosures and car repossessions as long as debtors can keep up. In most of the country, Chapter 7 is the overwhelming choice. Only in the South, in a band of states stretching from North Carolina to Texas, is Chapter 13 predominant.

The responsibility of knowing which path to pick falls to those seeking relief. In Memphis, about three-quarters of filings are under Chapter 13. That’s how Miller filed. She thought the two chapters were “the same,” :lol

Driving this tremendous churn of filings is a handful of bankruptcy attorneys with what sounds like an easy pitch: immediate relief, for free. In Memphis, it typically costs around $1,000 to hire an attorney to file a Chapter 7, but most attorneys will file a Chapter 13 for no money down. Ultimately, the fees for Chapter 13 filings are higher—upwards of $3,000—but the payments are stretched over time. For many people, this is the only option they can afford:

Most Chapter 13 filers in Memphis don’t last a year,

More on the stupidity of niggers..


09-28-2017, 08:25 AM
That's just how stupid niggers are. They file 13 instead because higha numba be mo betta.

10-02-2017, 01:05 PM
Niggers shouldn't be allowed to file for bankruptcy at all. How do you file for bankruptcy, when everything you own and consume is paid for by someone else? Niggers should be cited as a CAUSE of bankruptcy, not called 'victims' of it.