View Full Version : Nigger says "Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People"

09-21-2017, 06:24 PM
It always hurts my brain trying to make sense of shitskins trying to sound like educated whites. Worse, this niggerbabble says absolutely nothing about the headline. However, the headline alone is the nigger's admission that nigger bucks are naturally on the DL, and that every buck is a muh dikk danger.

Intraracially, however, our relationship to and with black women is not unlike whiteness’s relationship to us.

We are the ones who get the biggest seat at the table and the biggest piece of chicken at the table despite making the smallest contribution to the meal.

And nowhere is this more evident than when considering the collective danger we pose to black women


100% Not A Nigger
09-22-2017, 01:14 AM
that word salad of babble was almost as bad as the nonsense in the comments. it was nothing more than oppersion olympics for niggers, negresses, niggerfaggots and tranny niggerfaggots.

Moolie Mook
09-22-2017, 12:10 PM
It always hurts my brain trying to make sense of shitskins trying to sound like educated whites.


09-22-2017, 08:20 PM
Niggerbabble is unfathomable and unknowable. Luckily niggers have nothing to say worth knowing.

09-24-2017, 09:53 AM

:rofl That is exactly what the article is!