View Full Version : Rich oil driller teen robs cabs for fun. Along with its sow.

Cat fur allergic
09-18-2017, 10:39 AM

Teen Bonnie and Clyde mug cab driver at gunpoint


This is what happens when the rich let nigger nannies raise their kids.

09-19-2017, 02:26 AM
“I’m at a loss for words,” Rufli’s father Peter told The Post by phone.

“Something like this is definitely out of character.”

If I had done anything like that, Sandman Sr. would have told the cops to keep me forever. I'd have never been allowed through his front door ever again.

Moolie Mook
09-19-2017, 11:39 AM
He likes to fuck negroes? He'll be burning coal at Riker's Island! :lol

justin igger
09-19-2017, 01:46 PM
Since daddy let him run the streets with a corn rowed eggplant just goes to show stupidity runs in the family.