View Full Version : Nigger Cookies

09-09-2017, 01:40 PM
So the psychical rehab I am at for my back has ZERO niggers working for.... this is a very good thing, a very very good. Don't need niggers anywhere my food or even near me period. Anyways they have a gift shop/commissary here where you can buy things, I usually just hobble down for my favorite candy bar a "butter finger" So this afternoon I do so and what do I see, 2 obese sheboons selling chocolate chip cookies. My first thought was how did these two knuckle dragging shit beasts get by security and why OH why would someone let them in the facility.

On my way out they stop me and ax if I want to buy some cookies, I say NO!!! and the one shezilla proceeds to tell me they are for under privileged niglets n' sheeeeiiit. I look at the cookies and low and behold they are burnt and have like NO chocolate chips in them, well maybe 2 or 3 if that, and most likely they weren't chocolate but nigger droppings. The day I eat something....ANYTHING made by a fat stinking greasy smelly nigger is the day I eat a bullet.

05-22-2024, 03:00 AM
...Don't need niggers anywhere my food...

...On my way out they stop me and ax if I want to buy some cookies, I say NO!!! and the one shezilla proceeds to tell me they are for under privileged niglets n' sheeeeiiit. I look at the cookies and low and behold they are burnt and have like NO chocolate chips in them, well maybe 2 or 3 if that, and most likely they weren't chocolate but nigger droppings. The day I eat something....ANYTHING made by a fat stinking greasy smelly nigger is the day I eat a bullet.

Without them, how is one supposed to cast gorilla cookies?


06-12-2024, 11:55 PM
"Who you callin ugly, sucka?"

What. The. Hell. I never watched the show, of course, and that's the most hideous Buck Or Sow that I've seen in a long time.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-14-2024, 01:00 AM
"Who you callin ugly, sucka?"

What. The. Hell. I never watched the show, of course, and that's the most hideous Buck Or Sow that I've seen in a long time.
I have always heard people rave about that show. Can’t watch nigger shows though.

06-14-2024, 01:22 AM
...Can’t watch nigger shows though.Not even when they're busy calling each other Niggers?


They're only Niggers in their own shows. Their masters are the following: https://sanfordandson.fandom.com/wiki/Whiplash

06-14-2024, 07:12 AM
Without them, how is one supposed to cast gorilla cookies?


That was one of my FAVORITE episodes!! Another funny one was when lamont said "pop, don't you know that hypertension is the # 1 killer of black men under 30 and fred said "uh thought it wuz da' poleez!!" Funny SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT, maing!!

06-14-2024, 07:39 PM
That was one of my FAVORITE episodes!! Another funny one was when lamont said "pop, don't you know that hypertension is the # 1 killer of black men under 30 and fred said "uh thought it wuz da' poleez!!" Funny SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT, maing!!

He'd need to change to "Uh though it wuz otha niggas!"

06-14-2024, 11:47 PM
Not even when they're busy calling each other Niggers?


They're only Niggers in their own shows. Their masters are the following: https://sanfordandson.fandom.com/wiki/Whiplash

That first one ended with an actual funny line. I bet it was one of the white writers who came up with that.

That second one is showing that niggersow again, and I'm sure to have nightmares.

06-15-2024, 04:03 AM
My horror didn't wait that long. As soon as my television screen attacked me with that, I immediately suffered daymares
...I bet it was one of the white writers who came up with that... That was their way of indirectly using the Ennwerd, without getting pinned as racists. I bet, they almost laughed themselves to death, once their filming was played back. I'm also betting that those Burbank studios made more money through indirect advertisement royalties from Whites. Record companies claimed that (c)Rap "music(k)" was bought up more from Whites. So, it would only make sense that Whites got more entertained that Ennwerds from laughing at them

Jim Crow
06-15-2024, 06:41 AM
Is u sho that nigger didn’t want fithy dalla foe tha cookie?
Niggers don’t bake cookies.it was probably crack!

06-15-2024, 06:50 AM
Then, who's baking these, as if Haitian Cuisienne didn't exist?


The White guy starring in that video uncannily resembles a cartoon charachter from that old Dick Tracey comic strip. I think, he was called Mucuos Face:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flh3.googleusercontent.com%2FYJ6kZ 4YbiQ7jxUQEcdaSMY8vVfgfaJVGru0ci-HczyEph2MYLVAE8cSQ4Eha1gOrq9AONnlSUt89_6RuitqAyZfn lIeh0Z6IBYvT2r3aOqGCpw2SEtHBSG8SPtTqg_vfsdDc-WFZ&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2e94b5b4e60386b3f1d18cfb332d0fc5f16d03b40e87fb 883ff9d570ee537a5f&ipo=images

06-15-2024, 01:02 PM
He'd need to change to "Uh though it wuz otha niggas!"

Actually, that is TRUE!! 94% of bucks aged 16-34 (what the lame stream media calls "yoofs") are batwinged by another buck in the SAME age group!!

06-15-2024, 08:02 PM
Actually, that is TRUE!! 94% of bucks aged 16-34 (what the lame stream media calls "yoofs") are batwinged by another buck in the SAME age group!!

Yep. And this is Chicago alone. Don't niggers care about BLM? Silly me. Only we should care about worthless, destructive niggers.


06-16-2024, 12:26 PM
Yep. And this is Chicago alone. Don't niggers care about BLM? Silly me. Only we should care about worthless, destructive niggers.
