View Full Version : WTF? Swedish Man Sentenced for EATING BACON Around Muslims

09-02-2017, 05:58 PM
I guess you better be very careful if you’re eating bacon in Sweden, at least out in public. One 53-year-old man discovered that the hard way*when he ate some bacon near Muslim women, clad in their burkas, and was arrested and fined for it. This is yet another example of Europe committing cultural suicide, caving into to Islamic migrants’ demands to change their culture to suit Islam. From Info Wars A 53-year-old man from Stockholm has been convicted of offensive behaviour, as he among other things ate bacon in front of three women in hijab on a commuter train. It

More... (http://truthfeed.com/wtf-swedish-man-sentenced-for-eating-bacon-around-muslims/106211/)

09-03-2017, 12:10 AM
Mmmm.offensive bacon.! When I go shopping I ALWAYS make sure to "accidently" leave a couple of packs of porkchops or bacon in the asslifting halaal section of the supermarket.!