View Full Version : Kiwi the niggertranny pulls a knife on a cop and gets ventilated, white cis male drives through the ensuing protest

08-24-2017, 04:52 AM

Transgender Kiwi Herring was shot dead by a St. Louis police officer this week after she cut the officer during a domestic disturbance call.

Kiwi Herring was the 19th transsexual killed this year.

A white cis male plowed throught the protest mob in the street.

Peaceful protesters continue to #sayhername despite white cis male plowing thru crowd. For #kiwiherring https://t.co/yWLv5751ma

— rebecca l. gorley (@rebeccalgorley) August 24, 2017

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Rape Ape
08-26-2017, 04:32 PM
Too bad only the perverted ape got a pair. :lmao

Idiots that play around in traffic are asking to get their asses run over. If the libtards in the guv'mint don't like it, they can start enforcing laws prohibiting said idiots from playing in traffic in the first place.

08-26-2017, 07:16 PM
"A white cis male?" I hate that I know what that means.

Kiwi the nigger tranny? Gone too soon. Oh lawdy!!

Thin White Duke
08-30-2017, 03:52 AM
I don't know why this needs to be said, but for crying out loud, if you don't want to get run over get out of the fucking road! I don't know what it is about these leftists and niggers. They do nothing to actually confront the leftist politicians and bureaucrats that manage these police they hate so much, but for some damn reason they think running out into the streets and highways and attacking random vehicles is going to somehow spread their message and get people on their side.