View Full Version : Pregnant human loses baby after feral she boon robs her & kicks her in the stomach

Blanco Chevy
10-10-2024, 05:47 PM

A pregnant woman in Texas lost her baby after being kicked multiple times in the stomach by another woman following a minor car accident. The incident occurred on July 27 in front of a corner store on Lockwood Drive in Houston.

As the expectant mother stepped out of her car to assess the damage, another woman approached her. The suspect allegedly grabbed the victim’s purse from the passenger seat and began rummaging through it. “I thought maybe I hit her car because she came up from behind me, came up and grabbed my purse,” the victim recounted. “She has my wallet out and she’s taking all my credit cards out.”

When the victim attempted to retrieve her purse, the suspect began kicking her in the stomach. Despite informing the attacker that she was pregnant, the kicks continued. “I started crying because when she kicked me the second time, it hurt,” she recalled.


Jim Crow
10-11-2024, 06:54 AM
The filthy beast should get a lethat injection for killing a human baby! And make it suffer for 45 min!

10-11-2024, 11:15 AM
The filthy beast should get a lethat injection for killing a human baby! And make it suffer for 45 min!

Nah. It will be a Class B misdemeanor. I think it's wonderful how the Libs have freed the niggers to be themselves!

Here's a Texas lawyer for the sow who will help her "beat" the charges. She'll do no time and might just get a fine.


Now, if a human woman kicked a gravid sow in the niglet incubator, different story.

Jim Crow
10-11-2024, 04:05 PM
Nah. It will be a Class B misdemeanor. I think it's wonderful how the Libs have freed the niggers to be themselves!

Here's a Texas lawyer for the sow who will help her "beat" the charges. She'll do no time and might just get a fine.


Now, if a human woman kicked a gravid sow in the niglet incubator, different story.

Sadly,you are correct.Sucks that a savage sub humanoid beast should be allowed to breate after committing such a murderous act.

10-11-2024, 10:16 PM
They're just like us! /s

10-12-2024, 01:24 AM
One of the reasons why I hate niggers so much.

Jim Crow
10-13-2024, 06:42 AM
One of the reasons why I hate niggers so much.

Yes, it’s the top reason for me. And the top reason that I hate liberals is because they always side with the enemy!that murdering boon will probably get off Scott free, where if the shoe was on the other foot, YT would get life!

10-14-2024, 11:23 AM
The 'Salina Food Mart' looks like a nice place to loiter.

10-16-2024, 09:43 AM
One of the reasons why I hate niggers so much.

Only niggers ALWAYS turn a minor traffic stop or a fender bender into a violent felony.

Nigger, how do we hate thee?
Can we count the ways?

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-17-2024, 09:02 AM


Niggers are born on probation it seems. That fucking nigger beast deserves the in electric chair. And just look at the coonmercials anymore, portraying them as all knowing regular folks. This is their real behavior. I'm so fucking sick of their shit.

10-18-2024, 10:01 AM
The filthy beast should get a lethat injection for killing a human baby! And make it suffer for 45 min!

3 HOURS of suffering for that sheboon would be BETTER!!

Jim Crow
10-18-2024, 04:47 PM
3 HOURS of suffering for that sheboon would be BETTER!!

Well, if you’re going for three hours, why not go for a full 24? And while you’re at it, do the same to it’s fambly. after all, they probably have the same murderous genes going through their savage nigger bloodline.

Niggers are Useless
10-18-2024, 10:23 PM
In that beasts former country that's probably how the sows say hello. A swift kick to the felon factory and have a nice day. This animal probably didn't know any better. It's instruction book from the NGO's and welfare offices it received after invading the country probably just included the visa card, cell phone, Mercedes keys, and deed to a property, along with instructions to only drive in the left lane everywhere. There was probably nothing in its instruction book in whatever language this nigger ooks that specifically says don't kick pregnant women in the stomach.

That said, this beast needs wrangled and taught how to rope dance under a shade tree. That's how we do it in American nigger.

10-20-2024, 10:58 AM
Well, if you’re going for three hours, why not go for a full 24? And while you’re at it, do the same to it’s fambly. after all, they probably have the same murderous genes going through their savage nigger bloodline.

BEST solution yet!!