View Full Version : Niggers Got Discriminated at the MD State Police Because Nigs Can't Do 5th Grade Math

10-08-2024, 11:34 AM
The MD State Police got dinged by the niggerized US DoJ for waycism because they expected the nigger job applicants to pass some simple azzed math test.
And we all know how racist Math is.

:cuffs :duh

10-08-2024, 02:54 PM
It's all of a piece. Stacking law enforcement agencies with weak angry women and stupid angry niggers should be seen for what it is: preparation for the establishment of the socialist uniparty state. I can't see any evidence at all that these things are being done randomly, never mind because they're in any way "just." Seriously, prepare for the worst, because it's been clear for several years now that they've completely run out of patience in achieving their goals, have huge public support in many parts of the country (and the world), and no longer give a damn what anyone else thinks about it.

Blanco Chevy
10-08-2024, 08:16 PM
If you all have not read The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn, now would be a good time. The first volume is about how Russia was taken over by a small cabal of radicals and slowly turned into a communist state. Frankly, it reminds me of what's going on in this country right now. Unelected "officials" have already taken over the US Gov and do whatever the hell they want unchecked and without opposition. We got rigged elections, sham courts, corrupt "officials," the celebration of everything ugly & distasteful and outright prejudice and discrimination against anyone white, Christian, conservative and especially male. About all that's left is the formation of some sort of Cheka/NKVD/KGB/STASI so they can round up and imprison their political enemies.

Thanks to ideology the twentieth century was fated to experience evildoing calculated on a scale in the millions.

Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth. Yet, I have not given up all hope that human beings and nations may be able, in spite of all, to learn from the experience of other people without having to go through it personally.”

“And even in the fever of epidemic arrests, when people leaving for work said farewell to their families every day, because they could not be certain they would return at night, even then almost no one tried to run away and only in rare cases did people commit suicide. And that was exactly what was required. A submissive sheep is a find for a wolf.”

“Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.”


10-09-2024, 10:58 AM
This is a great suggestion, and I'm pretty sure you can find the book in audio and PDF formats at archive.org.

Here you go, all can be downloaded as PDFs:


10-09-2024, 11:02 AM
…and hasn't the US government already started imprisoning political enemies? I'm thinking back to January 6, but even if you don't think this fits the description then look to Europe, where saying the wrong thing on social media can get you jail time. I'm pretty sure the only reason Democrats haven't started doing things like that yet is because they know that unlike Europe, millions of Americans own guns. But they'll take care of that in due time.

10-10-2024, 12:29 PM
Great quote from The Gulag Archipelago Volume 2:

And even while sitting peacefully among the fragrant hay mowings of Razliv and listening to the buzzing bumblebees, Lenin could not help but ponder the future penal system. Even then he had worked things out and reassured us: “The suppression of the minority of exploiters by the majority of the hired slaves of yesterday is a matter so comparatively easy, simple and natural, that it is going to cost much less in blood … will be much cheaper for humanity” than the preceding suppression of the majority by the minority.

According to the estimates of emigre Professor of Statistics Kurganov, this “comparatively easy” internal repression cost us, from the beginning of the October Revolution up to 1959, a total of sixty-six million lives.

Because, you know, after the "exploiters" came the Soviet equivalent of the Deplorables, the Knuckle-Draggers, the Racists, Homophobes and Islamophobes, the Fascists, the Christians, and so on and so on.