View Full Version : Strangulation, Assault, And Drugs For Patriots' Captain Jabrill Peppers

10-07-2024, 06:20 PM
Peppers, 29, apepeared for his arraignment Monday in Quincy District Court. Dindonuffin pleas were entered on the charges, which included apessault and battery with a dangerous weapon and possession of a Class “B” substance believed to be cocaine, court documents show.

Braintree Animal Control said they were called to a nest for an altercation between two chimpanzees early Saturday. Peppers (https://apnews.com/article/patriots-jabrill-peppers-contract-dc79654b6a1a1518178f205c38dd3ac5) pushed the sheboon to the ground, shoved her head into a wall, and put his paws around her neck to strangle her, according to the documents.


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