View Full Version : Over 300 "teens" start fighting at a Virginia amusement park

09-24-2024, 11:37 PM
It must have been those Amish and Mormons fighting again. Whenever they meet each other, they start up again with the old feuds, you know, quoting scriptures and shouting "h-e-double-hockey-sticks" every other word.

A sheriff’s office in Virginia tells Fox News Digital that a Halloween event at the popular Kings Dominion theme park broke down into "mass chaos" over the weekend as a brawl erupted among young adults with as many as 300 people in the area encouraging the unrest.

Sgt. Steve Wills of the Hanover County Sheriff's Office said the incident happened Saturday night following a recent stabbing of an 18-year-old at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg and fights in late August involving juveniles at the nearby Chesterfield County Fair.

"It seems to be this social norm now for this younger generation to just cause chaos and that is essentially what we saw," Wills told Fox News Digital.

"We had a handful of people fighting surrounded by hundreds of people that were encouraging it, egging it on, being disorderly, being difficult for us to get through the crowd to get to the middle of what was going on," Wills continued. "And then as we start flushing them out of the arcade, that group goes outside and it just spreads to the outside now.... and then somebody screams ‘gun!" and next thing you know you have a flood of all these people we just kicked out of the arcade come rushing back in as we are trying to restore order and get outside to see if there is somebody with a gun. It was just mass chaos."

"We as parents, as a society, have got to do better to raise these kids to be respectful and have manners," Wills also told Fox News Digital, adding that "we have got to do a better job of controlling our kids’ behavior and instilling good values in them so when they are not in our presence, they don’t behave like this."

I don't know if the sheriff was trying to be polite, maybe sarcastic, or if he really believes that BS. Teaching respect and manners to niggers? You'd have better luck teaching a lion to give shiatsu massages to zebras.

When there's that many niggers, the only thing to do is bring out SWAT with lots and lots of tear gas. Evacuate the humans first, then leave one opening in the park that leads to a bunch of semis, and then you corral the niggers for transport to NU.

The best part of the article:

"As night falls on the park, hundreds of creatures from the underworld emerge to make your worst nightmares come true. Spine-chilling haunted houses, elaborate scare zones and horrifying haunted mazes will force you to sleep with the lights on," a description on its website says.

In other words, anytime you're around a bunch of niggers, and especially if you live in a niggerfied neighborhood.
