View Full Version : At least 16 cats mysteriously disappear in Bangor neighborhood

Blanco Chevy
09-23-2024, 08:08 PM

BANGOR, Maine — Cats are disappearing from Bangor’s Fairmount neighborhood, and their owners still don’t know why it’s happening.

In the past two months, at least 16 cats have disappeared without a trace.

Two weeks ago, Fairmount resident Anne Foster’s cat, Frankee Blue Eyes, went out at night as she usually does. But Frankee never came home.

“She's so amazing and loveable," Foster said. "There's really a hole in my heart without her."



09-23-2024, 11:42 PM
Did they import any niggers? I presume that's what you're alluding to.

09-24-2024, 01:11 AM


If owners would only chip their pets more often:


Blanco Chevy
09-24-2024, 03:09 PM
Did they import any niggers? I presume that's what you're alluding to.

Yep. Stephen King's hood is getting vibrant cultural enrichment. Let's see if he still supports Kameltoe after this.


The first joyous new arrivals started arriving a year ago, but is now escalating. Write a book about that, Stephen King!


Jim Crow
09-24-2024, 05:42 PM
I’ve never let my cats out unsupervised,because there are too many dangers out here. Snakes and other dangerous critters. In fact, I don’t let my dogs go out unsupervised either. that’s just me. My pets are my kids!
But if you live in an Hayshee infested neighborhood, that’s more reason to watch your pets closely. I remember staying in an apartment complex in North Miami when I first moved to Florida in the 80s. The first thing the neighbors would tell you is” if you own a small dog or cat, don’t let it out because the fucking Hayshees will eat it!

09-24-2024, 07:04 PM
"Catholic Charities"

Leave it to supposedly Christian organizations to bring hell on earth. One reason we had to leave our old NY suburb (and wound up leaving the state) was because of the "low income housing" built on the other side of town. It was part of the metro area counties wanting to "diversify" the wealthier towns and cities that were considered "too white," and we were "too white" because we clustered together where it was safer, away from all the crime and bad hoods down in the city. So what did the counties' leaders decide? To bring Section 8 from the city to the suburbs! There were even advertisements on how to apply. That was horrible enough, and importing niggers and asslifters is even worse.

09-25-2024, 01:21 AM
...if you live in an Hayshee infested neighborhood, that’s more reason to watch your pets closely...Not only the pets

https://scontent-muc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/460639582_837535011696604_3444876528030953195_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=f727a1&_nc_ohc=Sm7GCHsLqSsQ7kNvgGB5NtO&_nc_ht=scontent-muc2-1.xx&oh=00_AYDgL4F7p1rn7_SqBlyzABELDaWtteboVD_xR0h6Id7v Jg&oe=66F96289

Blanco Chevy
09-25-2024, 02:05 AM
"Catholic Charities"

Leave it to supposedly Christian organizations to bring hell on earth. One reason we had to leave our old NY suburb (and wound up leaving the state) was because of the "low income housing" built on the other side of town. It was part of the metro area counties wanting to "diversify" the wealthier towns and cities that were considered "too white," and we were "too white" because we clustered together where it was safer, away from all the crime and bad hoods down in the city. So what did the counties' leaders decide? To bring Section 8 from the city to the suburbs! There were even advertisements on how to apply. That was horrible enough, and importing niggers and asslifters is even worse.

These "charities" have been co-opted by big money interests to wreck neighborhoods and communities. Who funds these people? Soros (who would have guessed?) Laurene Powell Jobs and other big money people. I'm fleeing the neighborhood I grew up in, too.

"Big Money Interests" - they'll wreck your neighborhood for a buck. Import the third world wholesale. And then scream 'raycissst!' at the top of their lungs when you complain that a 50 year old afghan raped a 13 year old girl from your neighborhood. These people are scum.

Jim Crow
09-25-2024, 06:18 AM
Not only the pets

https://scontent-muc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/460639582_837535011696604_3444876528030953195_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=f727a1&_nc_ohc=Sm7GCHsLqSsQ7kNvgGB5NtO&_nc_ht=scontent-muc2-1.xx&oh=00_AYDgL4F7p1rn7_SqBlyzABELDaWtteboVD_xR0h6Id7v Jg&oe=66F96289

We have a large park close to US1. It has a section for RVs, Hiking, camping, picnics, lake for fishing and horseback riding.It has ducks, peacocks, cranes, and other birds. For a while, the bird population started diminishing.Hayshees were eating them. Now, they have repaired the broken fences that attached to the walls around the park. There are 2 gated entrances and exits.Check in required.

09-25-2024, 06:40 AM
Did they import any niggers? I presume that's what you're alluding to.

Haiticoons in particular!!

09-25-2024, 06:43 AM
I’ve never let my cats out unsupervised,because there are too many dangers out here. Snakes and other dangerous critters. In fact, I don’t let my dogs go out unsupervised either. that’s just me. My pets are my kids!
But if you live in an Hayshee infested neighborhood, that’s more reason to watch your pets closely. I remember staying in an apartment complex in North Miami when I first moved to Florida in the 80s. The first thing the neighbors would tell you is” if you own a small dog or cat, don’t let it out because the fucking Hayshees will eat it!

One of the main reasons why I left souf Florida!! It is FULL of haiticoons and other WORTHLESS cariboons!!