View Full Version : Nigger outrage after Chimpcago Mayor nigger gives $51 Million in gibsmuhdats to migrants

Blanco Chevy
09-23-2024, 07:46 PM
City Council approves $51 million in funding for migrant housing amid raucous debate




The Chicago City Council voted Wednesday to spend $51 million in funding from a 2021 budget surplus to pay for efforts to care for migrants from Central and South America who have been sent here from Texas, following a heated debate that was repeatedly interrupted by angry protesters.The vote came one week after three alderpersons opposed to the measure temporarily blocked a final vote during Mayor Brandon Johnson's first City Council meeting.
After arranging for a meeting this week to take up that vote, aldermen approved the funding plan 34-13, after opponents in the council gallery repeatedly booed supporters who spoke up during the public comment period at the start of the meeting and aldermen who spoke during the formal debate, prompting Johnson to repeatedly chastise them, asking for both sides to respect each other's positions and allow each other to speak uninterrupted.

https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/city-council-migrant-housing-funds-approved/#:~:text=CHICAGO%20(CBS)%20%2D%2D%20The%20Chicago, repeatedly%20interrupted%20by%20angry%20protesters .

Jim Crow
09-23-2024, 07:57 PM
Libs be gettin some new pets! Niggers is losin them free gibbs!

09-24-2024, 02:12 AM
I would like to see home grown black niggers strongly oppose border nigger gibs. You all know what I mean. Niggers will just be niggers and behave as they do to the also deserving border noggers. It's a win win. More scholarships to NU, and the more unwelcome the border niggers get.

A border nigger is really just another nigger that broke border laws to come here as slimeballs. Regular niggers are just homegrown felons. That's the difference, but both are felons.

09-26-2024, 12:42 PM
You will witness unseen amounts of chimpouts and rage when nigs detect their handouts are goinz to somebody else.

Traditionally spics are the main competitors to nigs for guvment free sheeet but that is changing.

Now our guvment is givin' gibs to foreigners that ain't even 'mericans.

This fucking country is too far gone to save no matter who is President.

knot a Knigger
09-29-2024, 10:29 PM
They can all suffer much more and I'd be happy.

09-29-2024, 10:51 PM
I saw more nigger outrage on the news earlier today on the Fox News YouTube channel. Apparently niggers are pissed off about a Venezuelan gang in chimpcongo and nigger gangs are uniting to fight off the Venezuelan gang but the comments in that video are hilarious. Some are actually rooting for the shitcongo nigger gangs, I don't even know why they're rooting for them. The nigger gangs want to remove all the Venezuelan gangs not because they have morals or are nice people, it's because all their free gibs are now going to the Venezuelan people instead of the niggers. That's the real reason why they're pissed off and yet people in the comments section are too stupid to figure that out. They actually are so naive to believe that the nigger gangs here care about the well being of the people? Give me a fucking break! And now they're bitching about the migrants getting free gibs for housing as well? Oh if it isn't the most perfect textbook example of irony at its finest. If we get rid of the migrants to stop the free gibs we still have niggers receiving free gibs so the problem still remains unless they also stop receiving free gibs but knowing the stupid white libs they wouldn't dare to do such a thing like that.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-29-2024, 11:39 PM
They should fence that shithole city and all others like it off with an electric fence strong enough to fry a fucking T-rex and throw that wasted money like Jack Nicholson’s joker in 1989 Batman throughout the city. Let them niggers take care of themselves.