View Full Version : I have more compassion for a monkey than any nigger

09-20-2024, 06:52 PM
YouTube has many videos on monkeys and orangutans and other simians. There's one from China where there's a tiny furry monkey, I don't know the species, with only one arm. The face and eyes though are human like and evokes feelings of compassion. People take care of it and feed it. There's something lost in the translation but I think they call it "Star". Anyway, I feel more pity and support for this disabled simian more so than any nigger.

Why? Niggers are just plain uglier, violent, rowdy, vulgar. Did I mention ugly? I swear, every nigger and mudshark I see, I'm full of disgust.

There's a bullet headed nigger on YT Live called LiQuan. I've called it out as a simian many times. It must be used to be called nigger that it doesn't even react.

Jim Crow
09-20-2024, 08:42 PM
I have more compassion for a cockroach than a fucking nigger. In fact, I’d rather spray the nigger with raid.

Niggers are Useless
09-20-2024, 11:40 PM
I have more compassion for a cockroach than a fucking nigger. In fact, I’d rather spray the nigger with raid.

The raid would make the nigger smell better at least.

09-21-2024, 11:52 AM
YouTube has many videos on monkeys and orangutans and other simians. There's one from China where there's a tiny furry monkey, I don't know the species, with only one arm. The face and eyes though are human like and evokes feelings of compassion. People take care of it and feed it. There's something lost in the translation but I think they call it "Star". Anyway, I feel more pity and support for this disabled simian more so than any nigger.

Why? Niggers are just plain uglier, violent, rowdy, vulgar. Did I mention ugly? I swear, every nigger and mudshark I see, I'm full of disgust.

There's a bullet headed nigger on YT Live called LiQuan. I've called it out as a simian many times. It must be used to be called nigger that it doesn't even react.

Same. I don't see many niggers in my area, but when I do see a pair of them knuckling along a street, or spot a mudshark I am filled with revulsion.

The only creatures for which I have the same level of non-compassion (I'm the whackjob picking up worms stranded after the rain. Worms, unlike niggroes, are very useful) are mosquitoes and other blood-sucking parasites that are just like niggers!

09-21-2024, 12:59 PM
Believe it or not, mosquitos are also usefull:


...Without mosquitoes, a lot of animals would have to look for an alternative food source. Mosquitoes, their eggs, and their larvae are food for a wide range of species. Examples of animals that eat mosquitoes are:...

...Mosquito larvae eat algae, parasites, fungus, and other microorganisms...

09-21-2024, 05:51 PM
Believe it or not, mosquitos are also usefull:


...Without mosquitoes, a lot of animals would have to look for an alternative food source. Mosquitoes, their eggs, and their larvae are food for a wide range of species. Examples of animals that eat mosquitoes are:...

...Mosquito larvae eat algae, parasites, fungus, and other microorganisms...

This is true. I used to gather mosquito larvae from my bird bath to feed my tropical fish. They loved them. Okay, so even parasites go through a stage where they are more useful and less destructive than niggers.

Blanco Chevy
09-22-2024, 12:00 AM
Same. I don't see many niggers in my area, but when I do see a pair of them knuckling along a street, or spot a mudshark I am filled with revulsion.

The only creatures for which I have the same level of non-compassion (I'm the whackjob picking up worms stranded after the rain. Worms, unlike niggroes, are very useful) are mosquitoes and other blood-sucking parasites that are just like niggers!

Believe it or not, mosquitos are also usefull:


...Without mosquitoes, a lot of animals would have to look for an alternative food source. Mosquitoes, their eggs, and their larvae are food for a wide range of species. Examples of animals that eat mosquitoes are:...

...Mosquito larvae eat algae, parasites, fungus, and other microorganisms...

So, essentially, niggers are the only non-contributing part of the symbiotic ecosystem.
Unless you want to count job creation in the law enforcement and correctional system. :lol

09-24-2024, 12:55 AM
What'll 12 foot high Robo Mantises eat, after having been invented?

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flh6.googleusercontent.com%2Fproxy %2Fp47ndhuQyaFzIivvBND1NfK53QCmC_BjPwDnErhMP4P_BTJ 4R4ts-3uGWPWFOkW_B6U%3Ds0-d&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=610bd4db31f6830b806b7674b23743cadc6a540e38bf6c c157131cd197c60731&ipo=images

09-25-2024, 04:38 PM
I have compassion for the poor suffering animals owned and tortured by niggers, dogs chained outside in all condition in freezing rain and snow. Cats thrown against the wall, etc.....

It's the only living thing niggers are allowed to own and they receive payback for being slaves taking it out on animals of all species.

If you want to know how depraved niggers are just google animal killings by blacks.