View Full Version : N Carolina groid candidate for Governor Mark Robinson: "Ahh beez a Nazi!"

Blanco Chevy
09-20-2024, 12:49 PM

There's a nigger porn message board called Nude Africa where he posted all that. :lol

Robinson’s alleged online comments made about a decade ago, which he denied to CNN in an interview as well, include saying “I’m a Black Nazi!” and “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few.” He also described the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. with racial slurs, repeatedly used homophobic slurs and admitted to “peeping” on women in gym showers when he was 14 years-old.

Read more at: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article292712424.html#storylink=cpy

09-23-2024, 10:43 AM
Of course the nigger claims it dindu nuffins, dat innit meez.

I hate to say it, but it serves the GOP right when the leadership picks a magic nigger to show how "diverse" it is. Will they ever understand? Liberals and centrists are just going to vote for the Democrat anyway, nigger or otherwise.

animal mother
09-23-2024, 12:41 PM
Of course the nigger claims it dindu nuffins, dat innit meez.

I hate to say it, but it serves the GOP right when the leadership picks a magic nigger to show how "diverse" it is. Will they ever understand? Liberals and centrists are just going to vote for the Democrat anyway, nigger or otherwise.

True, and Trump endorsed this worthless buck. Another bad choice like Hershel Walker and Doctor fucking OZ. Another reason I believe he will lose to the commie sow in November.

Jim Crow
09-23-2024, 05:05 PM
Of course it did it! All niggers lie and say they”din du nuffins”All niggers are always guilty as charged.it’s got rapeape/thief in it’s dna!

09-27-2024, 12:23 AM
“Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few.”

Let a White guy say that and see what happens.

09-28-2024, 11:32 PM
Let a White guy say that and see what happens.

You reminded me of something I've had so long, since before I found the original Chimpout!


But why would I want to waste my time on an unproductive nigger that I'd have to keep "motivating" just to pluck one piece of cotton?