View Full Version : Man ditches date after she admits burning coal with a nigger

Whitey Ford
09-16-2024, 10:11 PM

09-16-2024, 11:17 PM
What a stupid, airheaded, foul-mouthed, ignorant pig. I don't know who would want her even if she hadn't rutted with a niggroe. She was probably bragging about it, as these whores like to do.

Yeah, if I had told my husband when we started seeing each other that I had wallowed around with a nigger, there would have been no wedding. No self-respecting man is going to stand for that.

09-17-2024, 01:42 AM
Coalburning is the gravest of sins. Beastiality is an unforgivable sin. It's not natural. It's perverse, it's not what decent humans do.
To us here that's very clear. To the supposed enlightened liberals, a nigger is just another human. That's where we draw the line: humans and niggers are a species apart.

This skank was surprised? Dirty whore!

It's good the guy learned very early on. He would have gotten the clap or any other putrid venereal disease. That's still very lucky. What has been done, cannot be undone. Any decent man will never sleep with a mudshark.

Jim Crow
09-17-2024, 08:07 AM
I’m glad the man found out before he did something he’d regret. No self-respecting male human wants to find out the woman he’s with once fucked a nigger. Things would get much uglier after the fact!
I’ve had one nighters, where I was too drunk to care about anything ,but scoring, most men have. But when dating a woman, I always wanted to know everything about her. I’d start by letting them know that I hate niggers.If a woman is uncomfortable or disturbed with you hating niggers, that’s a red flag. so, that’s when you ask “ have you ever slept with a nigger?” Get ready to go home alone after that.
Over 30 years ago when we first met, I let my wife know I hated niggers. she smiled and said I reminded her of her dad and brothers. I was drinking at the time, so I replied “how about you, have you ever fucked a nigger?” She replied “hell no,asshole” and took a swing at me Because of the crude way, I asked! To me,that was a major turn on. So, here we are 30+ years later,nigger free as when we first met!

09-17-2024, 10:11 AM
I’m glad the man found out before he did something he’d regret. No self-respecting male human wants to find out the woman he’s with once fucked a nigger. Things would get much uglier after the fact!
I’ve had one nighters, where I was too drunk to care about anything ,but scoring, most men have. But when dating a woman, I always wanted to know everything about her. I’d start by letting them know that I hate niggers.If a woman is uncomfortable or disturbed with you hating niggers, that’s a red flag. so, that’s when you ask “ have you ever slept with a nigger?” Get ready to go home alone after that.
Over 30 years ago when we first met, I let my wife know I hated niggers. she smiled and said I reminded her of her dad and brothers. I was drinking at the time, so I replied “how about you, have you ever fucked a nigger?” She replied “hell no,asshole” and took a swing at me Because of the crude way, I asked! To me,that was a major turn on. So, here we are 30+ years later,nigger free as when we first met!

Very diplomatic! :rofl

My husband not only asked me if I had ever been with a nigger, he wanted to know if I ever thought about it or if the idea appealed to me. Um, no? :lol

What human male with an ounce of pride would accept sloppy seconds from this?


Jim Crow
09-17-2024, 03:19 PM
Very diplomatic! :rofl

My husband not only asked me if I had ever been with a nigger, he wanted to know if I ever thought about it or if the idea appealed to me. Um, no? :lol

What human male with an ounce of pride would accept sloppy seconds from this?


Absolutely no tolerance for the nigger abomination! and that goes both ways! i’ve only ever been attracted to light skin and red or blonde hair. an occasional brunette was OK, as long as there was no kink in the mink!(by kink,I mean kinky steel wool)I’m sorry to be so graphic,but the nigger beast species is a real turn off to me. I even find octroons repulsive.An ape in the family tree,and it’s not for me!

09-18-2024, 12:45 AM
... so I replied “how about you, have you ever fucked a nigger?” She replied “hell no,asshole” and took a swing at me...:rofl
There's no better litmus test than that

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.fineartamerica.com%2Fimages-medium-large%2F3-litmus-paper-test-photo-researchers-inc.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5958e996249523b96d7b7bdc14dfb9e581efb59f0d9320 744775db0f681abe9a&ipo=images

09-19-2024, 12:45 PM
Deal with it, ya hoor!