View Full Version : Papa Johns has gone full nigger

09-15-2024, 07:20 PM
Papa Johns has gone full nigger.

Saw some coonmercials during Nigger Felon League. Pure nigger everywhere. It's so fucking pathetic!

Eat shit and die Papa Johns, and your crap ass nigger pizza sucks. Your pizza is garbage it's like dog food for niggers aka Nigger Chow. Put some pop tarts n sheeit on there and some watermelon jolly ranchers and some fried chicken drumsticks and some kool aid powder and chocolate chips for the ultimate nigger cuisine, and include a gallon of grape kool-aid why not.



Papa Johns you disgust me. With your nigger pandering cuck of a company.

Why don't you stop making pizza and go suck a big radiator hose like you obviously want to.


09-15-2024, 09:31 PM
OMG now Pizza Hut has gone full nigger, now Nationwide has gone full nigger,

Now NFL Sunday Ticket being marketed to Niggers even tho niggers can't afford it and it's only white cucks who buy it...

What do I expect from Nigger Felon League? Well, not this...

SEE how bad things get when white people don't complain about them?

Sure TV sucks, but why do I see it because other people I know watch it,
sort of serves as a barometer of nigger cuckoldry...

Imagine cucking out to such a moronic ape-beast of a life form. I guess that's what watching NFL is all about nowadays.

09-16-2024, 12:36 AM
...Eat shit and die Papa Johns, and your crap ass nigger pizza sucks...It's high time that a Person of Colorless infiltrates one of their franchises, posing as a pizza baker, and then bakes one of the following to be delivered to a Fambly:


09-16-2024, 12:42 AM
It's high time that a Person of Colorless infiltrates one of their franchises, posing as a pizza baker, and then bakes one of the following to be delivered to a Fambly:


That is a great idea, they will surely hire any nigger that walks in!

yo greasy lips moolie! get me a pizza!

09-16-2024, 01:08 AM
They'll for sure hire you if you're a nigger,
not even joking

Papa Johns sucks the fattest nigger dick of all time

09-16-2024, 01:17 AM
it's also low quality pizza

09-16-2024, 01:22 AM
did you see how companies jump on the bandwagon?

09-16-2024, 01:46 AM
Lets put the nigger Shaq in coontrol:

cuck master!

09-16-2024, 01:53 AM
Shaq is a massively stupid nigger

Jim Crow
09-16-2024, 02:05 PM
We all know John Schnatter is a nigger hattin muffugger! but when they tried to cancel him for his racist commemts,he got out of the limelight and appointed Shaq as HNIC. So he’s making money off the nigger lovers. nothing wrong with taking your enemy’s money.

Blanco Chevy
09-16-2024, 10:20 PM

Jim Crow
09-17-2024, 03:29 PM

What repulsive beasts! Niggers are an easy to identify abomination that wears the mark of the beast!

09-17-2024, 04:21 PM
Shaq is a massively stupid nigger

Just being a nigger qualifies him for that! But.....................do you know ANY nigger that's SMARTER?

09-18-2024, 06:59 AM
Just being a nigger qualifies him for that! But.....................do you know ANY nigger that's SMARTER?

Not really no

09-18-2024, 07:35 AM
We all know John Schnatter is a nigger hattin muffugger! but when they tried to cancel him for his racist commemts,he got out of the limelight and appointed Shaq as HNIC. So he’s making money off the nigger lovers. nothing wrong with taking your enemy’s money.

Schnatter 2028

09-18-2024, 09:20 PM
The mental illness with these people and this company (and all nigger lovers really) is off the charts when examined fully.

Just imagine them sitting around in a bored room, meeting of the minds. Why even have it? We know your game plan, suck black dong until your lips turn blue is all you do, and from now on until you die, is all you will ever fucking do. Look into your own future dumb ass Papa Johns, and that is IT.

Also things aren't "better" this way, compared to before, they are worse, so what have you really accomplished, oh you patted some niggers on the head, great job, niggers that hate your white ass, and always will, and still fucking do.

Now they cant change back because nigger lovers is who they ARE now, it's who their company IS, it's what their company IS, and it's what they are. Wow you are a pathetic train wreck and a bunch of gd wanna-be posers stuck in a fake reality of your making and it's all your own fault.

Why do I always get the feeling like they are showing off to OTHER CORPORATIONS. They love to show what nigger lovers they are to the general public, but I feel like mostly they are trying to prove how much they love niggers to other corporations that advertise on TV with them (often during nigger felon league.) This is reminiscent of teen girls in high school caring so much about being popular and craving social status it's all they care about every second of their life. Probably will kill themself, if something goes wrong with their popularity quest. They have sold their soul and any scrap of honor just to be popular or trendy and now they have no identity besides that.

This EOE bullshit is way out of hand with corporations and these loser coward people who run them.

But oh it's during nigger felon league so we have to all love niggers so hard. Because somehow, a sport turned into not about the actual sport, but loving niggers instead.

Pandering to rich, spoiled NFL niggers who hate whites and probably go to strip club every night with their millions to bang some white whore, so they can imagine it's (insert any white guy they hate) daughter, and get off on it. Do coke get wasted drunk, shoot each other in parking lot, beat their burner if they manage to make it home. SCUMBAG FUCKING NIGGERS. They really deserve such worship don't they? Makes me puke.

We all know they are advertising to mainly whites (and they know this too). How many whites would still watch nigger felon league if no niggers were in it. A LOT, probably more than do now. Everyone knows this so WTF are they doing? Sucking black dong for all to see, is all it is. Another corporation doing it, jumping on the nigger loving bandwagon, want a pat on the head, "look at us, were GOOD now" , no you're fucking stupid idiot suckers and total cowards with no backbone that cave to decades old corporate divershitty bullshit!

They think even getting one nigger customer is worth it all, while they lose 10 human customers, for each nigger, probably nigger will only order your crap pizza one time, cause most niggers don't like pizza that much and not worth it to them to buy your overpriced pie, they can't really afford it, and would rather get some KFC instead.

I posted another thing about how "whites don't seem to mind", when companies pander to nigs on TV, and fully niggerfy them and replace all whites. And most corporations really do believe this obviously. Things aren't going to change until whites do seem to mind. These soulless corporations care only about profits (and now niggerloving, because they think it will get them more profits... but they are sorely mistaken...). Examples need to be made of these awful companies and everyone needs to see them crash and burn and go out of business. Can't happen soon enough for me.

09-18-2024, 09:30 PM
We all know John Schnatter is a nigger hattin muffugger! but when they tried to cancel him for his racist commemts,he got out of the limelight and appointed Shaq as HNIC. So he’s making money off the nigger lovers. nothing wrong with taking your enemy’s money.

The problem is, these nigger lovers are often good people, who don't know what niggers are really like, did not grow up around masses of these apes as I did, therefore believe all the lies about them on TV, because they just want to be "good people" and part of the herd. These are stupid people who are born to be followers.

The fact remains that they are not bad people, and are in fact the same race as I am, and I don't enjoy seeing them mindfucked by bullshit constantly. I know they're bored, we're all bored, but loving niggers is not the solution, yet they think it is, now more than ever,

it's all they do now and they dedicate their life to it and I am being 100% serious, what do you think BLM supporters are

they have their little pet niggers and their little pet dogs

They are probably not making much money, just surviving on previous profits. How much do you think they paid that Shaq nigger? How many hundreds of millions? Time is ripe for them to fall now.

09-18-2024, 10:18 PM
First off never apologize, when you have done nothing wrong, they are niggers. When you apologize, you are admitting guilt, and people don't respect you for apologizing either.
Never apologize for saying nigger, he got the Kramer treatment.

Never voluntarily step down either.

I think Schnatter schnigger had made a lot of comments, and was afraid they would ALL get out, and also, his business practices were maybe racist and sexist, (again nothing wrong with that it is reality, but in this clown world you can be sued for it) and had many witnesses to this, he seems like a raging asshole probably a cokehead too,

anyways thats ancient history and you can't go back and change it now, best thing you could do is stop the nigger pandering and be a respectable human business. But they don't. They spend hundreds of millions on pandering to nogs, and worst of all, they try and force all their negro-loving bullshit on my people. Their coonmercials are fully niggerfied now with all nigger fambly of greasy nappy nigger apes straight from deepest darkest jungles of Africa, sitting around a table with their Popa Johns. And of course a nigger narrator that can barely read or speak correctly, (all commercials have to have a nigger narrator now, it seems)

this full niggerfication of commercials really ramped up recently with the Olympics of divershitty, yes I fucking noticed...

I don't even watch TV only walk by it occasionally and you know they're trying to put it everywhere in all airports at all gas stations inside all businesses and restaurants and I am often forced to see (and hear) it nowadays as well as the idiot people watching it

09-25-2024, 05:00 PM
First mistake: watching the Negroid Feetsball League.

I'm proud to say I haven't witnessed a National Felon League 'game' in over 4 decades now - live in puhsun or on de tee vee.

I'd rather get a root canal than go downtown Atlantastan to be shot or stabbed to be 'entertained' by an Atlanta FALCOONS event full of stinking slimy jigs crammed into a dome stadium named for a once classy car company now exclusively driven by fucking niggers (Mercedes Benz).

BTW, we in Atlantastan have the Papa John's headquatas (relocated from Louisville, KY). Lucky us.

They moved here to hire 1,000s of niggas.

https://ir.papajohns.com/news-releases/news-release-details/papa-johns-new-atlanta-headquarters-headed-three-ballpark-center#:~:text=The%20new%20location%20at%20Three,w ell%20as%20a%20video%20announcement.&text=Papa%20John's%20International%2C%20Inc.,-(NASDAQ%3A%20PZZA)

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-30-2024, 01:58 AM