View Full Version : "Whites don't seem to mind" when everything on TV is niggerfied.

09-13-2024, 05:16 AM
"Whites don't seem to mind" when everything on TV is niggerfied.


They've niggerfied all our forms of entertainment now and who has spoken out against it? Am I the only fucking one? Is everyone else robots? WTF!!!

This (and some forums like this) are literally the ONLY place where any Whites ever speak out about this!

Yes I fucking mind!

More than that these sleazy ass corporations just disgust me with their non stop nigger pandering! What are these stupid kids watching thinking have people thought of this? Your wife and kids are absorbing this dog shit!

Something's got to be done at long f-ing last, I say a boycott of all nigger pandering companies!

09-13-2024, 05:26 AM
There wouldn't be many companies left for doing business with, if we were to do that. Oh, by the way, Happy Friday the Thirteenth

Jim Crow
09-13-2024, 06:24 AM
If you watched TV at my home,you’d think you were stuck in a time warp.I don’t watch anthing new and I don’t watch much live tv,if any.I don’t have cable or subscibe to anything,I watch the shows and movies I grew up with.The niggerfied/homofied shit programs of today are meant to brainwash the new generation and turn them into nigger/tranny lovin pussies!

09-13-2024, 12:54 PM
Who the hell said that, they sure as shit don't speak for me!

"Commies and people with catastrophic brain injuries don't mind..." There, fixed it for them.

09-15-2024, 09:41 PM
By "most white people don't seem to mind" I mean of course most white people won't say anything because they're scared to be called racist and have been programmed like goddamn sheep.

Of course I don't mean people on this forum, who are the only people who "get it."

Nevertheless the majority of white ppl go along with it while they are insulted and niggers are pushed down their throats 24/7 on TV. Unfortunately, I know many who have succumb to this BS. That is probably the main reason I join a forum like this.

If you see nigger pandering and glorification in a commercial BOYCOTT THAT COMPANY. :mad:

09-16-2024, 12:37 AM
Can't even point out that everything on TV is niggerfied, when it's 100% true...

Oh but Scott over there didn't have a problem with it...